The Dreadmill

$2,199.99 USD

Train like a Strongman, line-backer, and pro grocery bag carrier!

Product Features



    Don’t have a 50ft strip of artificial turf? With The Dreadmill, this impracticality vanishes. Crank up the magnetic resistance, lean into the shoulder pads, and just give'r. Keep it short and sweet for HIIT or long and slow for a brutally effective endurance workout.


    The Dreadmill is your one-stop-shop for training like you’re in the big leagues. With the farmer handles, you can experience hauling up to 300 pounds, or get hands-on practice protecting your quarterback using the sled push implement. Maybe your glory days AREN'T over?

Product Details

The Dreadmill is a lean, hyper-versatile, dread dream machine! This 3-in-1 cardio unit is a farmer walk, sled push, and manual incline treadmill — all rolled into one.

Applying resistance is easy and smooth thanks to the magnetic resistance lever. Keep it low and light, or crank up the intensity for serious athletic gainzzz. And unlike fan-based cardio equipment, the resistance of this is nearly whisper-quiet.

Being self-powered, you’re free to roam away from outlets. Simply lift from the front stabilizer bar to engage the rear wheels and claim a new home base. 

The Dreadmill requires very little maintenance aside from the occasional dusting and belt lubricating — don’t mind the jealous looks from your motorized machine-owning friends. It folds away to save space, and you can even use the farmer walk handles to mimic lever arm exercises like bent-over rows, bench presses, shrugs, and more.

Best of all, you can get up to speed with all The Dreadmill’s utility in a single workout. Sorry, Wooden Manual Treadmill — there’s barely any learning curve here.


Bells of Steel

The Dreadmill

$2,199.99 USD

The Dreadmill is a lean, hyper-versatile, dread dream machine! This 3-in-1 cardio unit is a farmer walk, sled push, and manual incline treadmill — all rolled into one.

Applying resistance is easy and smooth thanks to the magnetic resistance lever. Keep it low and light, or crank up the intensity for serious athletic gainzzz. And unlike fan-based cardio equipment, the resistance of this is nearly whisper-quiet.

Being self-powered, you’re free to roam away from outlets. Simply lift from the front stabilizer bar to engage the rear wheels and claim a new home base. 

The Dreadmill requires very little maintenance aside from the occasional dusting and belt lubricating — don’t mind the jealous looks from your motorized machine-owning friends. It folds away to save space, and you can even use the farmer walk handles to mimic lever arm exercises like bent-over rows, bench presses, shrugs, and more.

Best of all, you can get up to speed with all The Dreadmill’s utility in a single workout. Sorry, Wooden Manual Treadmill — there’s barely any learning curve here.

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