

ShreddedDad.com is a home gym resource run by Jose (Fitness Instructor).

My goal is to show you proven ways to get in shape year round while building and working out from a garage gym.

I’ve achieved a lean body using intermittent fasting, calisthenics, and weight lifting protocols from the comfort of my garage and usually while wearing pj’s.

You can see most of my pajamas workouts on my Instagram 🙂

Being a dad, I want to be involved in my kids activities as much as possible so working out from home has made it easy to stay on track and allows me to keep up with them without feeling out of breath.

shredded dad

Who Am I And How Do I Know About This Stuff?

I’m a family guy.  I’m 41 years old and like so many other people, I learned the importance of diet very late in life and for many years tried to out train a bad diet without any of the results I wanted… until I learned about intermittent fasting.

kinbody results

I’ve been immersed in the health field for many years and I could never figure out the right way to eat so that my body would stay lean. 

I always thought the way bodybuilders measured and weighed their food was ridiculous and not for me. 

Counting macros and calories was not something I thought I could stick to because it seemed so difficult (it’s actually easier than you think).

How Shredded Dad began

At the end of 2017 I started following several online influencers and they would always talk about how he stayed lean year round and had pretty good size.

They always talked about not eating breakfast and fasting for at least 16 hours of the day. 

This went against everything I had ever learned and made no sense to me but I kept watching videos and kept researching more.

Turns out intermittent fasting was the missing ingredient I was looking to get my body as lean as I’ve ever been (yes even at 41 years of age!).

I started fasting religiously and within 4 weeks I started to notice my body changing.

kinobody before and after pictures

My jaw line was showing more, my abs were starting to pop, and I could see myself leaning out rather quickly while maintaining muscle.

I was hooked and after a year of using this method, I can tell you it’s the easiest “diet” (if you want to call it that) that I’ve been on and the most sustainable nutrition and exercise plan you can follow.

Garage Gym Journey

Building a garage gym has always been a dream of mine.

I had no idea where to start especially since I’ve never been handy.

But it’s actually easier than you think.

If I can figure out how to place hundreds of pounds on the wall and ceiling without anything crashing down on me, then I’m sure you can build a kick ass garage gym as well.

Here’s my garage used to be…

garage gym ideas
garage gym ideas

Here’s my garage gym now (and still adding more stuff)

garage gym ideas

If you’re looking to build your home gym without breaking the bank, make sure you check out my discount gym equipment page.

Garage Gym Tour

Let’s Connect

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get all of the latest and greatest high-quality content about building a lean body, fitness equipment reviews, and garage gym shenanigans.

I have worked hard to build this site into a resource that not only helps you build your best body but also helps you build a kick ass garage gym.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more garage gym ideas, hacks, DIY’s, and behind the scenes info.

And remember you can always contact me with any questions and I’ll be happy to respond.