Discount Gym Equipment

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Looking for discount gym equipment?

There is more opportunity nowadays than there ever has been to start your own home or garage gym.

But that doesn’t mean you need to pay full price for everything!

That’s why I’ve put together a list of companies I’ve partnered with that offer discount gym equipment as well as discount supplements.

Some of these companies even ship FREE which saves you a TON of money when buying heavy and bulky equipment.

Because discounts can come and go, this page will be updated often, so I strongly suggest you save it as a bookmark right now (hit Ctrl+D on Windows) (Command +D on a Mac) for easy access to the best discount gym equipment.

Rogue Fitness

discount gym equipment

Rogue deals give you a unique opportunity to find rare or even one-of-a-kind strength and conditioning products at a budget cost.

Click here to find hot deals, Rogue Boneyard 2nd tier items, discontinued gear, equipment used in events, Hundo Pricing, and products with minor cosmetic defects.

There’s also several ways to get FREE shipping.

Rep Fitness Discounts

Rep Fitness

REP Fitness Deals has everything from commercial to garage gym equipment to all the home gym equipment you could ever want.

Some of their most popular products include the Colorado barbell, open trap bar, QuickDraw adjustable dumbbells, Rep Adonis, BlackWing bench, and Rep Ares.

Rep Fitness doesn’t offer discount codes but there’s other ways to save without the need for a coupon.

Rep Fitness Rewards is their loyalty program where you earn points with purchases, leaving reviews, on your birthday, and more.

Rep also offers discounts with their Local Pick Up program (see local discount breakdown below)

  • 10% discount on purchases up to $2500
  • 12.5% discount on purchases between $2500 and $7500
  • 15% discount on purchases $7500 and higher

You can also click here for their 5% police, military, and fire discount

Titan Fitness Discount Code

discount gym equipment

Titan Fitness has a Scratch and Dent page where they sell discounted items that are either returned or have minor scratches but still function as they should.

Titan Fitness also prides themselves in offering FREE SHIPPING for all products, including big ones like the Squat Max MD, with no minimum purchase.

One way to get a one time use Titan Fitness discount code is to go to their website and roam around for a bit then you’ll see pop up like the one below.

titan fitness discount code coupon

Titan will then send you a coupon code straight to your email to use on your first purchase with them.

Click here to take advantage of Titan’s FREE shipping

Freak Athlete Essentials

freak athlete discount code coupon

Freak Athlete Essentials sells Knees Over Toes Guy equipment for the most part.

Some of their products include the Hyper Pro, Nordic Hyper GHD, Leg Developer attachment, wheelbarrow sled, modular multi sled, adjustable slant wedge blocks, iron tib bar, Nordic curl mini bench, and the TriFlexor.

Click the red button below to find the latest Freak Athlete discounts and promos.

PRx Performance Discount & Garage Sale

prx performance discount code coupon

PRx Performance sells wall mounted equipment like my folding weight rack, folding incline bench, wall mounted landmine, and rack mounted landmine.

Click here for an automatic 5% discount code applied at checkout.

PRx Performance Garage Sale has items returned, new products that don’t meet their high aesthetic standards, or items that are being discontinued.

The products meet their safety requirements and function as expected but that means you get a sweet discount!

Click here to check out the PRx Performance Garage Sale.

Ancore Pro Trainer

ancore pro trainer review

The Ancore Pro Trainer is a space saving, retractable, and adjustable home gym cable system that can be attached to a rack, wall, track, and any other post.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a $50 discount.


powerblock discount code coupon

PowerBlock is best known for their adjustable dumbbells but they also sell adjustable kettlebells, weight benches, Powerblock PowerBench 2.0, and other accessories.

Click the red button below to reveal a $20 coupon code.

Surplus Strength

surplus strength discount code coupon

Surplus Strength is well known for their Universal Pulley System (high and low pulley systems), leg roller attachments, Stealth Spotter arms, magpins, and other gym accessories.

Click the red button below to reveal a 5% discount code to use sitewide.

Arena Platform

arena platform discount code coupon

The Arena Platform is an AI enabled strength training platform that provides up to 200 lbs of variable resistance.

Through the Go Arena app you can follow on-demand workouts, track your workouts, and control the weight resistance.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Get up to 30% off top supplements and vitamin brands at and you can also get an additional 10% military discount.

Click here for 30% off

Click here for the 10% military discount

Snode Sport

snode sport discount code coupon

Snode Sport sells their drop-proof Snode adjustable dumbbells, rowers, bikes, ellipticals, and other home gym accessories.

Click the red button below to reveal a $20 discount code when you spend $200 or more.

Bells of Steel

Bells of Steel offers bulk discounts, FREE U.S. shipping, and a 5% discount for military/vets/fire/police.

Check out their open trap bar, Dreadmill, Boulder Shoulder lateral raise machine, and Arch Nemesis bar.

Click here to check out all current Bells of Steel discounts.


gripzilla discount code coupon promo

Gripzilla sells a wide selection of hand grip and forearm strengthening tools like hand grippers, the Tornado, Grip Rings, and Dynamo.

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code for a 10% discount.

Prime Fitness USA

prime fitness usa discount code coupon

Prime Fitness USA offers multiple lines of selectorized and plate loaded equipment, power racks, functional trainer, and a variety of gym accessories.

Click the red button below to reveal a Prime Fitness coupon code giving you a 5% discount

Macro Factor App Affiliate Code

macro factor app discount code coupon affiliate code

The Macro Factor app tracks your calories, macros, micronutrients, energy expenditure, nutrition label scanner, and more.

An all around nutrition app to reach your fitness goals in the easiest way possible.

Click the red button below to reveal my affiliate discount code that will give you an extended 14 day trial.

Fitness Factory

discount gym equipment

Fitness Factory sells and ships fitness equipment both nationally and internationally, plus they have 4 retail outlet stores in the Chicago area.

They have equipment for anything you can think of: home gyms, racks & cages, free weights, weight machines, cardio, cross training, accessories, and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Force USA

discount gym equipment

Strength equipment for home and light commercial use.

Active and veteran military and first responders (Police, Firefighter, EMTs) receive a 10% discount on orders $500 or more.

Place your order here and then email a scan of your ID or DD214 to along with your order number to redeem your discount.

Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.


discount gym equipment

Get 15% off when you sign up to Reebok’s newsletter.

Click here to sign up and save 15%

Stroops Fitness

stroops fitness discount code promo coupon

Stroops Fitness sells some of the best resistance bands, anchors, attachments, and workout accessories.

They pioneered the first sleeved resistance band providing the user with protection in case the band snaps.

One my favorite products they produce is the Resistance 90 training station.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 20% discount

Amazon Fitness

discount gym equipment

Find the latest deals on exercise and fitness equipment, many of them with FREE shipping.

Click here to see the latest Amazon deals


Click here to get the latest deals and RollBack prices on exercise and fitness equipment from

jayflex fitness discount code coupon

Jayflex Fitness sells unique home gym equipment that’s space saving and travel friendly.

Their Hyperbell system includes an adjustable barbell, EZ curl bar, and kettlebell that uses your dumbbells as resistance.

They’re also the creators of the Cross Grips and Ryze Ups pull up/push up handles.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 15% discount.


hyperwear discount code coupon

Hyperwear is best know for their weighted vests which include the Hyper Vest Elite, Hyper Vest Pro, Hyper Rope, and Hyper Vest Fit.

They also carry rucking gear, sandbags, weighted ropes, and resistance bands.

Click the red button below to check out their current discounts.

HGG Performance (Home Gym Guys Discount)


HGG Performance (formerly Home Gym Guys) sells fitness accessories like Tib Bars, IsoTib bars, sleds, wrist axe, IsoTib LT, landmine attachments, mini parallettes, and Nordic bars.

Their focus is on training equipment for Knees Over Toes Guy programs.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for 10% off.


nordstick coupon code

The NordStick is a simple device that you can slide under a door, secure your feet, and knock out Nordic curls.

With minimal footprint, it’s perfect for even the smallest of home gyms to strengthen your hamstrings.

They are also the creators of the most versatile ankle strap, The OmniStrap, the Multi Slider, the NordBar, OmniBand Pro, and the most compact Nordic curl bench.

And starting at less than $40, it’s one hell of deal.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% discount code on any NordStick product.

READ NEXT: Freak Athlete vs NordBench

How To Do Nordic Curls At Home Program

how to do nordic curls at home program

If you want to learn how to do Nordic curls from home, From Zero to Hero is the Nordic curl program for you.

This 10 week program will guide you step-by-step with only 2 workouts per week!

All you need is 15 – 30 minutes twice a week to get your first Nordic curl.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDEDNORDIC for a 50% discount.


AbMat is a one-stop-shop for innovative fitness accessories from inventors all around the World.

They sell the barbell bomb, AbMat, hip thrust pad, preacher pad, medicine balls, box squat pad, massage gun holders, pivot pad, belt squat cover, and much more.

Click the red button below to reveal a 5% off coupon code to use on your first order.

Pivot Bed

pivot bed discount code coupon

The Pivot Bed is a bed that turns into a home gym to save space.

It’s compatible with dip bars, spotter arms, j-cups, and other accessories you already own.

Folds down when not in use allowing you to store most of the accessories under the bed.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Stepr Stair Climber Machine

stepr discount code

The Stepr stair climber machine is a compact stair climber that’s more affordable than commercial gym stair climbers.

It comes with bluetooth capabilities, on-demand classes, and streaming capabilities without a monthly subscription.

Click the red button below for a Stepr discount code that gets you free shipping.

LeMaster Barbell Company

lemaster barbell company discount code coupon

LeMaster Barbell sells vintage deep dish weight plates with a unique design.

The recessed part of the plate has a 3D bodybuilding with the center hole of the plate going through his crotch.

So when you load up the plates on a barbell, it looks like a penis sticking out of the plate.

Click the red button below to reveal a discount code on second tier weight plates with minor blemishes.

Swoly Creatine Gummies

swoly discount code coupon

Swoly creatine gummies come with a pre-measured dose of 4g of creatine per gummy.

This eliminates the need for a liquid and scoop while still being as effective as the powder form of creatine.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% discount code.

Beast Bites Creatine Gummies

beast bites creatine gummies discount code coupon

Beast Bites Creatine Gummies are sugar-free, low-calorie gummies packed with 5g of creatine monohydrate per serving, designed to provide the muscle-building benefits of traditional creatine powders.

Click the red button below for an exclusive discount code.


jawzrsize discount code coupon

Jawzrsize is a hands-free jaw workout tool.

It’s designed to work out the full range of motion of your bite.

With 20 – 50 lbs of resistance this piece of equipment will sculpt your jawline.

Click here and use coupon code DADSHREDDED for a discount.

Torque Fitness

torque fitness discount code coupon

Torque Fitness is known for their Tank sleds but they sell anything you can think of for a home gym.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Kensui Fitness Discount Code

kensui fitness ez vest max discount code

Kensui Fitness sells innovative products mainly for the calisthenics market.

Products like the EZ Vest Max and Swissies are some of their most popular ones.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for 10% off.

Monkey Feet (Animal House Fitness)

monkey feet discount code coupon

Monkey Feet boots use jaws that clamp down to dumbbell handles.

With Monkey Feet you’re able to do lower leg isolation exercises like leg curls, leg extensions, donkey kicks, high knees, and hip abductions.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED10 for 10% discount.

Time Under Tension

rig roller x discount coupon code

Time Under Tension sells plate loaded cable machine attachments for pulley systems like the Rig Roller X.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Clench Fitness

clench fitness discount coupon code

Clench Fitness sells premium resistance bands, a resistance band foot plate, resistance band handles, barbells, and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED15 for a 15% discount

StackTrax Fitness

stacktrax coupon code

StackTrax is a line of detachable fitness equipment that creates a space saving, versatile, and cost effective workout space.

Using just 3 anchors, you can add attachments like the Ancore trainer, a pull up bar, resistance bands, landmine attachment, suspension straps, etc.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount

Kynett Flywheel Trainer

kynett flywheel trainer discount code coupon

Kynett sells several versions of flywheel trainers.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount off any flywheel products on their site.

Body Tempering

body tempering discount code coupon

Body Tempering is a form of soft tissue mobilization performed by rolling weighted cylinders across muscles and joints to break up adhesions, improve circulation, and remove metabolic wastes.

Donnie Thompson offers a certification program for clinicians, coaches, and athletes.

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code for 10% discount off all courses.


gym pin discount code

GymPin sells cable machine extender pins, D handle bars, Kaizen jammer arm adapters, Tri Grips tricep ropes, and more.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% off discount code.

Griffin Fitness

griffin fitness discount code coupon

Griffin Fitness sells power racks, benches, monolift attachments, barbells, plates, lever arms, and all sorts of gym products.

Click here and sign up to their newsletter for 10% discount.

Harambe System

harambe system discount code coupon

The Harambe System is a resistance band system that includes a footplate, bar, bands, and foam.

Harambe sells the T Bundle which is made for travel, the K Bundle which offers a more extensive workout experience, and the CyberBundle which is an upgraded version of the K Bundle featuring a new CyberPlate.

Each bundle comes with everything you need to get a full body workout.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% Harambe System discount code.

Chalkless Grip Enhancer

chalkess grip enhancer discount code coupon

Chalkless grip enhancer improves grip by repelling sweat, absorbing and wicking away oils from your hands.

This way you’re able to strongly grip a barbell or any other tool you use for your sport.

Click the red button below to reveal a Chalkless grip discount code.

Fringe Sport

fringe sport discount code coupon

Fringe Sport sells home gym and CrossFit equipment.

Anything from bumper plates, to squat racks, MagPins, functional trainers like The Dane, the Wonder barbell and others, and everything garage gym equipment.

Click here for the latest Fringe Sport discounts and promos.

Ripped By Rosenblatt Squat Harness

ripped by rosenblatt squat harness discount code coupon

The Squat Harness from Ripped by Rosenblatt is adjustable and uses hooks to connect to functional trainers, cable machines, resistance bands, and can even be used with dumbbells via UClips.

The squat harness spread weight evenly across your torso and allows you to train your lower body without the need to use your arms so it’s perfect for people with shoulder, elbow, or wrist pain.

Perfect for squats, reverse lunges, calf raises, pull ups, dips, and more.

Ripped by Rosenblatt also sells a complete band footplate set, slant boards, sleeved resistance bands, collar hooks, tri-cones, Band Nets for resistance band storage, and other unique accessories.

Click the red button below to reveal a 20% discount code.

Bullet Pulley

bullet pulley discount code coupon

Bullet Pulley is is a universal rack attachment and a great addition to your power rack if you want to do cable exercises without an expensive cable machine.

Designed to fit any brand or style rack with 3” x 3” and smaller uprights, it works in conjunction with your pull-up bar for tons of exercise versatility.

Click the red button below to reveal a $20 discount code valid only for the Bullet Pulley Double Kit.

Xero Shoes

xero sales discount code coupon

Xero Shoes are minimalist running shoes for men, women, and kids.

Click here to save 20% on any new styles.

Save an ADDITIONAL 5% when you grab at least 2 different styles.

Discount code will apply in your cart automatically.

Recover Fun

recover fun discount code coupon

Recover Fun sells recovery and rehabilitation tools to enhance recovery after workouts or injuries.

Tools like massage guns, cupping machines, BFR cuffs, and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Egg Weights

egg weights discount code coupon

Egg Weights are dense hand weights that increase calorie burn by up to 60%.

Can be used to shadow box and while doing other forms of cardio.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Mikolo Fitness

mikolo discount code coupon

Mikolo Fitness sells all-in-one power racks, functional trainers, home gym packages, cable machines, and accessories like the side lateral raise machine.

Click the red button below to reveal a discount code

Iron Rebel

iron rebel discount code coupon

Iron Rebel sells lifting gear and accessories.

Products like wrist wraps, knee wraps, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, lifting straps, and apparel.

Click the red button below to reveal an exclusive discount code.

Primal Queen Supplements

primal queen discount code coupon

Primal Queen supplements are beef organ superfoods that help to balance hormones and give you energy.

Take 1 capsule with lunch and 1 with dinner for optimal results.

With Primal Queen customers giving rave reviews, this company is making a positive impact on women’s health.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% Primal Queen discount code automatically applied at check out.

Peluva Shoes

Peluva shoes are minimalist, 5-toed, and barefoot shoes with 9 mm of cushioning to experience the sweet spot of comfort and functionality.

Each toe has its own individual toe box giving them complete freedom to move independently.

With a wide toe box, your foot and toes maintain proper biomechanics, balance, and stability.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% discount code.

Tempo Move

tempo move gym discount code coupon

Tempo is a small home gym unit that fits in a cabinet and works with your smart phone for guidance.

Tempo Move comes with storage cabinet, weight collars (set of 4), 7.5 lbs dumbbells (set of 2), 35lbs of mixed weights and a cable pack (HDMI and USB-C).

This can be upgraded to add an extra 40 lbs of weight and a mat (Tempo Move Plus) or a 25 lbs barbell with a set of 25 lbs competition weight plates (Tempo Move Pro)

Click here to get $100 discount off Tempo Move.

The Strong Arm

the strong arm discount code coupon

The Strong Arm is one of the most versatile plate loaded forearm and wrist strengthening products available.

Throw an Olympic sized plate on this forearm blaster for wrist flexion, extensions, radial and ulnar deviations, pronation, supination, and other arm exercises.

Click here and use discount code SHREDDED for a discount.

The Strong Neck

the strong neck review iron neck alternative

The Strong Neck is a simple neck training device.

Insert an Olympic sized weight plate on the sleeve and you’re ready to go.

At $30 it’s much cheaper than the Iron Neck and you can still get a great neck workout.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Knees Over Toes Guy Equipment

knees over toes guy equipment list

Ben Patrick (Knees Over Toes Guy) sells high quality, American-made equipment for his ATG programs.

Equipment includes The Backward Treadmill, ATG Buddies, the Home Back Extension, sled strap, tib bar, wrist bar, NordStick, the Strong Neck, and more.

Check out his growing list of ATG Equipment (Knees Over Toes Guy equipment).

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for a 10% discount.

Knees Over Toes Program (ATG Training Programs)

Most famously known for the Knees Over Toes Program, ATG online coaching offers training programs for the whole body.

Programs include Knee Ability Zero (no equipment needed), Knee Ability Pro (Knees Over Toes Guy equipment needed), Back Ability, ATG Basics, Male Standards, Female Standards, ATG Pro, and a bunch of other sports specific and longevity related programs.

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code for a $20 discount off the first month.

The Back Jack

back jack

The Back Jack is a multipurpose gym accessory that can be used with barbells, cable machines, landmine attachments, and dumbbells.

It’s a neutral grip cable attachment, tricep pushdown bar, barbell jack, landmine jack, and landmine row handle, all in one.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% discount on the Back Jack.

BodyKore Fitness Equipment

bodykore fitness discount code coupon

BodyKore Fitness Equipment carries a huge catalog of commercial and home gym equipment.

All their products are high quality and engineered to last a lifetime.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% discount code for all BodyKore products.

Sauna Box

sauna box discount code coupon

Sauna Box is an at home sauna that allows you to use heat therapy in a one person box.

Benefits of Sauna Box include muscle relaxation, stress relief, increased metabolic rate, increased blood, and detoxification.

Click the red button below to reveal a Sauna Box discount code.

Slant Board Guy

slant board guy coupon

Slant Board Guy sells Knees Over Toes Guy equipment for strong legs and knees.

Their equipment includes slant boards, step up boards, and Nordic hamstring curls straps.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED10 for 10% off sitewide

Body Solid/Fitness Factory

body solid discount code coupon

Body Solid / Fitness Factory carries some of the most solid pieces of home gym equipment.

Life their slogan states, they are built for life, and back it up with some of the strongest warranties in the fitness industry.

Their compact leg press machine and GLEG attachment have a lifetime warranty on all parts for home gym users.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 5% on Body Solid / Fitness Factory products

Alpha Lion Supplements

alpha lion discount code coupon

Alpha Lion sells quality high performance supplements.

Fat burners, protein, fat burners, pre workouts, recovery, stacks, and more.

Click here and use coupon code DADSHREDDED for a discount.

The Breath Belt

breath belt discount code coupon

The Breath Belt is a dual banded breathing belt that improves diaphragmatic breathing.

At the same time, this helps your transverse abdominis muscle and glutes to fire more effectively which helps stabilize and decompress your spine.

The Breath Belt’s elastic design moves with your body constantly cueing tensioning for all activities.

Read my Breath Belt review.

Click here for an automatic 10% discount applied at checkout (coupon code DADSHREDDED10).

The Barbell Jack

the barbell jack coupon

The Barbell Jack makes it easy to load and unload your barbell for heavy deadlifts.

The jack lifts your bar perfectly so that your plates aren’t touching the floor.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for 10% off


uclip coupon code

The UClip is a U-shaped gym accessory that lets you attach any dumbbell to barbells, dip belts, and pulley systems. 

This way you can use them as weight plates.

Uclips recently released a second product, The Back Bar, a multi-grip attachment for cable machines, landmine exercises, and deadlift jack all in one.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for 5% discount.


ativafit discount coupon code

Ativafit sells several sets of adjustable dumbbells, exercise bikes, and other home gym accessories.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Evolpow Fitness

evolpow fitness discount code coupon

Evolpow Fitness sells power racks, Smith machines, weight benches, barbells, weight plates, and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Gaspari Nutrition

gaspari nutrition discount code

Gaspari Nutrition sells science backed nutritional supplements like protein, creatine, pre-workouts, and more.

Click the red button below to reveal a 15% discount off any Gaspari Nutrition products.

Plate Snacks

plate snacks discount coupon code

Plate Snacks add style and creativity to your home gym with vinyl decals for your weight plates and other equipment.

Customize your iron plates, bumper plates, weight stacks and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Bare Steel Equipment

bare steel equipment discount code coupon

Bare Steel Equipment makes authentic barbells, attachments, and custom equipment.

From knurled PowerBlock handles to their famous Stacked Weight Pin, they have some cool products.

Click here to check out everything Bare Steel Equipment offers and use coupon code SHREDDED for a $10 discount.

Tib Bar Guy

tib bar guy promo code discount coupon

The Tib Bar Guy sells products for ATG Programs (Knees Over Toes Guy Equipment).

They sell tib bars, solo tib bars, slant boards, Nordic curl attachments, benches, back extension machines, anterior tib machine, the SledTred, push pull sled, and reverse squat straps.

RELATED: Tib Bar Guy vs NordBench

ALSO CHECKOUT: Tib Bar Guy vs Freak Athlete

Click here to check them out and use promo code SHREDDED for 10% discount.

Iron Neck

iron neck coupon code

The Iron Neck is a neck exercise and strengthening machine.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED10 for a discount

Micro Gainz Fractional Plates


Micro Gainz sells fractional weight plates for barbells and dumbbell add on weights (including the new Nuobell 1.25 lbs plates)

These help to break through plateaus by adding small fractional increments to your barbell or dumbbells.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Weight It Out

weight it out coupon code discount

Weight It Out sells the world’s thinnest iron weight plates.

At 3/4″ in thickness, you can load more plates on the bar and take up less space in your home gym.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for 5% discount from the entire Weight It Out website.

XMaster Fitness

xmaster fitness discount code coupon

XMaster fitness sells competition bumper weight plates, change plates, chrome weight plates, dumbbells, kettlebells, racks, the XMaster adjustable weight bench 2.0, other accessories, and even heavy mugs.

They have some of the most bad ass chrome gym equipment available.

Click the red button below to reveal a 5% discount code.

Shogun Sports / Mr Infinity

shogun sports mr infinity discount coupon code

Shogun Sports and Mr Infinity teamed up to create products based around the Knees Over Toes Guy programs.

They sell slant boards, squat wedges, Stag sled, a multi purpose sled, tib bars, Nordic straps, Shogun Flex cable machine, and the Nord-EX (nordic curl bench + back extension machine).

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Spring Back Clamps

spring back clamps discount coupon code

Spring Back Clamps are barbell clamps that use spring integration to absorb the shock when dropping barbells so the clamp doesn’t move.

The springs on the clamps absorb all the shock so the clamps stay in place.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Bare Performance Nutrition

bare performance nutrition discount code coupon

Bare Performance Nutrition sells nutritional supplements.

They have creatine monohydrate, whey protein, pre-workouts, multi-vitamins, electrolytes, super greens, and more.

Click here for a 20% discount on your first purchase.


discount gym equipment

UnbrokenShop offers products that cater towards cross training.

They have weighted vests, knee sleeves, wrist wraps, hand grips, weight belts, and many other accessories to help you get more from your workouts.

Check them out here and use coupon code DADSHREDDED for 10% off when you spend at least $60.

Coupon does not apply to combos or outlet products because those are already discounted.

Brute Force Sand Bags

brute force sandbag coupon code

Brute Force sandbags are some of the highest quality sandbags, kettlebell sandbags, weight vests available.

Click here and use coupon code DADSHREDDED at checkout for a 10% discount.

Here’s my review on the Brute Force Athletic Kit Sandbag.

ProSource Fit

cross training gear

ProSource Fit sells fitness equipment in many categories.

They sell anything from strength and weight training, recovery and mobility, yoga and pilates, agility and performance, to resistance tubes and bands.

Use coupon code SHRED10 for a 10% discount.

BAMF Hammer

bamf hammer discount coupon code

The BAMF Hammer is a bodybuilding and mobile functionality hammer.

Weighing in at 10, 20, or 40 lbs, the unequal weight distribution forces an intense focus on your grip and form, and often challenges even the most seasoned lifter or athlete.

Purchase comes with a FREE 12 weeks training program.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount

ProSledge Weight Vest

prosledge weight vest discount code coupon

The ProSledge weight vest is a modular, heavy weight vest with a weight capacity of up to 106 lbs.

It uses unique 3 lbs weight blocks that fit in pouches all around the weight vest.

Center chest zipper makes it easy to put on and take off even when it’s heavily loaded.

Click the red button below to reveal a 5% discount code.

Well Built Kettlebells

Well Built Kettlebells sells kettlebells and the kettlebell back packs that can be used when traveling or for rucking.

Click here and use coupon code DADSHRED10 for a discount.

Quiet Punch

quiet punch discount code coupon

The Quiet Punch is a doorway punching bag that allows you to have boxing style workouts anywhere you have a door.

Hang the Quiet Punch over any doorway and you’re ready to start punching.

Along with the bag, you also get FREE access to the Quiet Punch Play app.

Click the red button below to reveal a discount code.

The Bear Post

the bear post discount code coupon

The Bear Post is a self myofascial release tool that can be attached to a weight rack or “bear tree” on your wall.

It helps to release knots and trigger points by leaning into it so you dictate the amount of pressure you need.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount

Merach Fitness

merach fitness discount code coupon

Merach Fitness sells cardio equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines, and ellipticals.

Click here and use coupon code 11%FORSD for a discount.

Bear Grips

bear grips discount code coupon

Bear Grips sells workout accessories like wrist wraps, workout gloves, weight lifting belts, weight lifting straps, and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Tribe Wod Hammer

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Tribe WOD sells hammers for unconventional workouts.

With Tribe WOD hammers you can do power snatches, swings, cleans and jerks, farmer’s carry, thrusters, power cleans, hammer curls, goblet squats and so much more…

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 15% discount.

Barbell Rescue Brush

The Barbell Rescue brush is a cylindrical brush with a ton of bristles to make barbell cleaning easier and with less effort.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount

Walking Pad

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Walking pad sells a variety of under desk treadmills, running treadmills, and walk & run combo treadmills.

Click here and use coupon code DADSHREDDED for a $60 discount when you spend $300+.

RitFit Sports

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RitFit Sports is a brand that helps you build a home gym that is simple, strong, and effective.

They sell power racks, benches, weights, accessories, and everything home gym at an affordable price.

Click the red button below to reveal their most current discount code

The Ice Tub

the ice tub discount code coupon

The Ice Tub is a compact and anti-leak cold plunge tub.

It’s foldable, lightweight, made with durable materials, and best of all affordable.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Supgym Fitness

supgym discount coupon code

Supgym Fitness is an under brand of Major Lutie Fitness.

They sell all-in-one multi-functional power racks and other fitness equipment and accessories.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a $20 discount.

Major Lutie Fitness

major lutie discount code coupon

Major Fitness sells multi-functional and cost effective cages for fitness and home gym enthusiasts.

I’ve reviewed the Multifunctional handle bar, Major Fitness barbell, and the Major Fitness adjustable bench.

Click the red button below to reveal a discount code

XMark Fitness

xmark fitness discount code coupon

XMark Fitness sells everything from functional trainers to barbells, weight benches, weights, and more home gym equipment.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount

Vector Athletics

vector athletics discount code coupon

Vector Athletics sells products in the resistance band market.

They sell a split squat resistance band belt, Vector grips (handles for resistance bands), and two types of Vector resistance bands (fabric and silicone)

Click here and use coupon code SD20 for a discount

Sunny Health and Fitness

sunny health and fitness discount coupon code promo code

Sunny Health and Fitness sells cardio equipment, strength training equipment, and accessories.

Click here and use coupon code DADSHREDDED for a 5% discount.

Discount only applies to products only (does not apply to extended warranty, shipping protection, or gift cards).


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HLTH Code is a super shake created by a metabolic scientist to give you a complete meal in every bag.

It’s formulated with the right combination of nutrients at the right ratios and potencies to make a difference in your health.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Recoil Suspension Straps

The Recoil S2 Pro suspension straps are the best suspension straps I’ve used.

They use a recoil system to release and retract the straps in a matter of seconds and you can do hundreds of exercises with it.

Can be anchored to a door, wall, ceiling, beam, tree, pull up bar, and just about anything you can think of.

Forget about getting a TRX…

The Recoil S2 is the way to go for suspension straps.

Click here to check it out and use coupon code SHREDDED10 for 10% off

JaxJox Interactive Studio

JaxJox Interactive Studio is the all-in-one home fitness solution, replacing a rack of 22 weights with space-saving design.

With 142 pounds of smart free weights (adjustable dumbbells and kettlebell), a digital push-up bar, smart foam roller, and live or on-demand classes, it’s a complete home gym system.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for a $250 discount!

The Mad Spotter Hooks

mad spotter hooks

The Mad Spotter hooks let you do heavy dumbbell training without hurting your shoulders.

The hooks hold a dumbbell over a bar (just like J cups hold a barbell) so you can set up without wasting energy.

Mad Spotter also sells a neck trainer called The Mad Neck.

Click here and you’ll automatically get a 5% discount applied at checkout or use coupon code SHREDDED.

Freak Athlete Essentials Iron Tib Bar

courtsidefit iron tib bar

The Iron Tib Bar by Freak Athlete Essentials is made of all metal and includes a weight clamp.

It’s tested to hold up to 70 lbs to strengthen your Tibialis Anterior muscles and ankles and prevent shin splints.

Great for those doing ATG Training and looking for Knees Over Toes Guy equipment.

Click here to check it out at the discounted price.

Yosuda Indoor Cycling Bikes

Yosuda sells indoor cycling bikes, ellipticals, rowing machines, and under desk ellipticals (both magnetic and with break pads).

Click here to active an automatic discount applied at checkout.

In case you don’t see the discount, type in coupon code SHREDDED at checkout.

The Toe Spacer

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The Toe Spacers help to realign toes and strengthen intrinsic muscles in your feet.

In turn this helps stability, balance, pain free runs, deeper squats, and stronger jumps.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Exponent Edge

exponent edge discount coupon code

Exponent Edge sells innovative fitness products like the rack mounted GHD, landmine jack, wall mounted GHD, wall mounted dumbbell holder, and the Edge Curl bar.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for a discount.

Feier Fitness

feier treadmill discount coupon code

Feier Fitness sells an electric folding treadmill that stands up to save space in a home gym.

Full screen digital metrics, 12 angles of incline, 11 mph max, and only takes up 8″ of space when folded.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Jukestir Coordination Punching Bag

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Jukestir is the world’s first unpredictable punching bag.

Its dynamic motion strengthens connections between your body and brain increasing your focus, speed, and coordination.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

Trulap Adjustable Dumbbells

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Trulap 8592 adjustable dumbbells are one of the most compact adjustable dumbbells available.

They range from 8.5 lbs to 92 lbs in 3.5 lbs increments replacing 52 dumbbells (26 pairs) in one set!

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for a discount.

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Freebeat Bikes

Freebeat Bike sells indoor exercise bikes and online cycling classes.

Click here for a Freebeat Lit Bike $500 discount (coupon code automatically applied at checkout)

Click here for Freebeat Boom Bike $600 discount (coupon code automatically applied at checkout)

GMWD Fitness

gmwd discount code coupon

GMWD fitness sells specialty machines, weight racks, cardio equipment, and more for home gyms at an affordable price.

I’ve reviewed the hip thrust machine, leg press hack squat combo machine, vertical leg press, leverage gym, seal row bench, and stretching machine.

Click the red button below to reveal my exclusive GMWD discount code.

Alphalete Athletics

alphalete athletics discount coupon code

Alphalete Athletics sells workout clothes for men and women.

They sell underwear, to shirts, shorts, joggers, hoodies, tanks, board shorts, and everything you can think of.

Click button below to reveal a coupon code for 15% discount off your first purchase.

DMoose Fitness

dmoose fitness discount coupon code

DMoose Fitness is a one stop shop for fitness equipment.

They sell everything from barbells to benches, accessories, supplements, and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 5% discount.

Strength Depot

strength depot discount coupon code

Strength Depot offers a wide selection of fitness equipment from top brands.

They carry treadmills and ellipticals, weight benches and dumbbells, kettlebells and resistance bands, and more.

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code for a 10% discount on your first order.

Zupapa Trampolines

zupapa trampolines discount coupon code

Zupapa trampolines make fitness fun for the whole family.

If you’ve ever jumped on a trampoline, you know they’re one hell of a workout that doesn’t feel like a workout.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED5 for a 5% discount when you spend over $200.

Kabuki Strength

kabuki strength discount coupon code

Kabuki Strength sells innovative fitness equipment and coaching services.

They have unique specialty barbells like the Transformer, Kadillac, Duffalo, Trap Bar HD, and other strength training equipment.

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code for a 5% discount on your first barbell.

The Calf Buster

calf buster discount code copuon

The Calf Buster is a portable and compact calf press machine that uses a spring loaded mechanism with tension up to 200 lbs.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

Evolve Over Home Pull Up Bar

evolve over pull up bar

The Evolve Over home pull up bar is an adjustable, gravity tightening, screw-less bar that can fit any doorway or hallway.

You can place this bar anywhere in between your door frame giving you the option for a bunch of exercises you can’t do on a regular pull up bar.

You can read my in-depth review here.

Click here to activate a 10% discount automatically applied at checkout.

Diamondback Fitness

diamondback fitness discount coupon code

Diamondback Fitness has over 40 years in the bicycling industry.

They sell premium studio cycles, indoor cycles, recumbent bikes, upright bikes, and ellipticals.

Click here to check out their current discounts.

Freedom Strength Co.

freedom strength co discount coupon code

Freedom Strength Co sells fitness products that are portable so you can workout at any time.

They sell high quality strongman sandbags, throwing bags, speed ropes, and resistance bands.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% coupon code.

Super Shins Tib Bar sells an iron tib bar (clamp included) at an affordable price of $49.99

Click here to get FREE shipping.


solostrength coupon code

SoloStrength is a home functional training system that uses your bodyweight.

You can attach it to a door frame, corner, or buy a stand alone piece where you can get a full body workout.

Click the button below to reveal a 10% coupon code.


Get RXd

GetRX’d is one of the leading suppliers of functional training, strength and conditioning, equipment worldwide with over 2000 products to choose from.

Read my reviews on their rackable curl bar and FID bench.

Check them out here for training equipment for your garage gym, cross training affiliate or box, or functional training gym.

Inertia Wave

Check out this battle rope alternative for HIIT and metabolic conditioning.

Read my Inertia Wave review, Inertia Wave Duo, and Inertia Wave Strong.

Use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for 10% off

Two8 Bandz

two8 bandz coupon code discount

Two8 Bandz are resistance bands with multiple loops for exercise versatility.

You can attach them to any fixture or your own body.

Click here and use coupon code DADSHREDDED for 20% discount.

KettleBell Kings

kettlebell king coupon code

Kettlebell Kings sells high quality kettlebells, kettlebell accessories, and other fitness products.

They offer a lifetime warranty and FREE shippping.

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code for 5% off your first purchase.

This coupon code can also be stacked with in-cart discounts.

Aktiv Solutions

Aktiv Solutions has innovative functional training products like endless resistance ropes, suspension straps with interchangeable grips, flywheel eccentric trainers, and water filled equipment.

Click here to check them out and use coupon code SHREDDED20 for a 20% discount off any of their products.

TimTam Percussion Massager

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TimTam makes professional grade therapy products for professional athletes, trainers, therapists & consumers.

Speed up your recovery with professional massage guns.

Click here for an automatic 5% discount applied at checkout.

C4 Energy Drink

c4 energy drink discount code coupon

C4 energy drink by Cellucor is a popular energy drink that contains 200 mg of caffeine and fatigue fighting Beta Alanine.

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code for a 20% discount.

Peak Cocktails

Peak Cocktails are non-alcoholic drinks with adaptogens, superfoods, and nootropics that help with muscle recovery, sleep quality, and reduce stress.

Click the red button to reveal a 20% discount code.

Massage Gun Mount

The Mantis Mount lets you attach your massage gun to any squat rack, door, or pole so you can get your back side.

Go to and use coupon code SHREDDED for 15% off

TRX Training

trx coupon code

Click the red button below to reveal a coupon code to get a 10% discount on TRX suspension training products.

High Gear Health Supplements

high gear health supplements discount coupon code

High Gear Health sells premium men’s health supplements to help men achieve and maintain their best physical and mental performance.

Their product line includes supplements for weight loss, testosterone optimization, stress manage, sleep and recovery, sexual health, resistance training, and more.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount

Thermabell Barbell Warmer

The Thermabell barbell warmer is an electric heated sleeve designed specifically for barbells.

It’s optimized for traditional barbells during the cold season; fitting both men’s and women’s barbells.

Tested at below -5°F, the barbell warmer stands the test of cold, supplying heat to your barbell to a warm and comfortable ~105°F.

The outer neoprene layer captures heat allowing the barbell to heat efficiently.

Click here to check it out and use coupon code SHREDDED for $10 off.


onnit coupon code

Onnit sells supplements, steel maces, kettlebells, Indian clubs, and other fitness equipment.

Click the button below to get a special 10% off coupon code for supplements and nutrition products.

HulkFit Products

hulkfit discount coupon code

HulkFit Products sells affordable/budget home gym equipment.

They carry everything from cages, stands, barbell, weight plates, weight benches, condition equipment, and accessories.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.

FitAid Post Workout Recovery

FitAid is a recovery drink with a blend of amino acids, electrolytes, Omega 3 fatty acids, and some even come with creatine.

Excellent for post workout consumption for a speedy recovery.

Click here to activate the coupon code, the copy it, paste it at checkout for $20 off the purchase of 24 pack or more.

Stray Dog Strength Equipment

discount gym equipment

Stray Dog Strength is a premium brand that builds custom strength and condition equipment for schools and gyms.

Use coupon code SHREDDED10 for 10% off your order.

Pull Up and Dip

PullUp and Dip creates calisthenics products so you can workout anywhere!

Their most famous product is a portable pull up and dip bar that you can hang on a tree or a wall!

Click here to check them out and use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount.


RubberBanditz specializes in resistance bands and bodyweight training accessories.

They have resistance bands for powerlifting, calisthenics, stretching, speed & mobility, and anything else you can think of.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.


GainzBox is a functional fitness subscription box for athletes.

They send you new apparel, equipment, supplements, snack, and more every month.

Click the button below to get 10% off your first box.

Impact Custom Mouthguards

discount gym equipment

Handcrafted custom mouthguards that fit perfectly for a consumer friendly price.

Mouthguards for weightlifting, MMA, boxing, football, and any sport you can think of.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for 10% off.

Fasciitis Fighter

fasciitis fighter promo code coupon discount

The Fasciitis Fighter is a pad for high load strength training the plantar fascia and calves.

This works the kinetic chain from the ground up so that your feet are stronger and prevents bouts of plantar fasciitis.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED for 15% discount.

Ultimate Grip Liquid Chalk

discount gym equipment

Don’t you just hate it when chalk gets all over the floor and other equipment?

Liquid Chalk gives you the same benefits of regular chalk without the mess.

Just apply the liquid to your hands and in a few seconds you’ll have chalk without the powder mess.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED20 for a 20% discount off your first purchase.

Under Armour Outlet Store

At the Under Armour outlet store you’ll find apparel priced lower than normal so you can stock up.

They have thousands of styles for every athlete.

Click here for discounted shorts, sweatpants, tees, shoes, and more.

FitBar Strong

discount gym equipment

FitBarStrong sells pull up bars, grip training, and obstacle training equipment.

Check them out here and use coupon code SHREDDED for 10% off any product EXCEPT rigs and racks.

American Barbell

discount gym equipment

For American Barbell home gym sales click here.

For American Barbell closeout sales click here.

Flybird Fitness

flybird pro adjustable weight bench review

Flybird Fitness sells adjustable weight benches and dumbbells.

Click here to automatically get a 10% discount at checkout.

Discount Gym Equipment

Remember to bookmark this page (Ctr + D on Windows) (Command + D on a Mac) so you don’t miss the latest discounts on gym equipment.

We’re doing all the heavy work and teaming up with the best fitness companies to pass on the savings to you.