brute force training weight vest review

Brute Force Training Weight Vest Review

The Brute Force Training weight vest has a great design that I haven’t seen before in a vest.

The vest is called the Brute Force Operator 2.0

It has a minimalistic design with little arm restriction and lots of breathability.

A 12 pocket design (6 in front and 6 in the back) lets you distribute weight as you wish.

Lets dig in!


The weight vest came in a regular cardboard box along with other Brute Force Training sandbags I ordered.

The insides don’t require any protection so there was no bubble wrap or styrofoam inside.

Nothing fancy here, just regular packaging.

brute force training weight vest

Once out of the box, the weighted vest looks solid.

It has 6 pockets on the front.

Each pocket is covered with a velcro strap.

brute force training weight vest

The top left pocket has a rectangle for a patch.

Patches are not included when you order a vest but Brute Force does sell them.

Just go to their website and type in “patches” in the search bar.

brute force training weight vest

The back of the weight vest also has 6 pockets.

At the top, it has the Brute Force logo.

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  • Weight capacity: Scalable from 0 to 40 lbs (depends on the filler material used)
  • Size: The weight comes in two sizes, S/M and L/XL. See chart below for sizing.
  • Material: 500D & 1000D Military-Spec Cordura, military grade velcro, ballistic nylon
  • Filler bags: 12 double velcro, inserts included in kit (These ship empty so you provide the weight)

Brute Force Vest Sizing

The Brute Force Training Operator weighted vest currently comes in two sizes: S/M and L/XL.

  • S/M: Great for anyone who wears Small or Medium Men’s T-shirt.
  • L/XL: Perfect for anyone wearing an L, XL, or XXL shirt.

Use the chart above to see what size fits best on your body.

Fully Adjustable Weight Vest

The Brute Force weight vest is fully adjustable in several places.

You have 2 velcro straps on top of the shoulders.

And 2 more wide velcro straps on each side.

The top velcro straps go around the ribcage.

The bottom straps go around your waist.

Filler Bags

The weight vest comes with 12 double velcro bags.

These are shipped empty to cut down on the shipping cost.

brute force training weight vest review

Both the inside and outside of the filler bags have velcro.

First, you connect the inside velcro together.

Then fold it down and connect it to the outside velcro for a tight seal.

Filler Material

The filler material I’m using is steel shot.

Some people use pea gravel (that’s what I use in my sandbags), rubber mulch, play sand, or rice to fill their bags.

The density of the filler you use will affect the max weight of the vest.



There are 3 rows of 2 pockets on the front and back side of the vest.

Each row shares a strip of heavy duty velcro.

Once filled, the filler bags slide right into the pockets.

Velcro the pockets down and you’re ready to workout!

Brute Force Weight Vest

I’ve laid out the weight vest so you can see all its parts.

When you’re ready to put it on, just slip your head in between your shoulder straps.

Remember the Brute Force logo will be on the back of the vest so you know which is front and back.

brute force training vest 2.0

Here’s what the inside of the Operator vest looks like.

The back side (shown towards the bottom of the pic) is made of breathable mesh material.

The front side (shown towards the top of the pic) has velcro material on 75% of the bottom and mesh on the top 25%.

brute force training reviews

Here’s a closer look at the breathable mesh on the inside of the back side.

brute force training weight vest review

Here’s a closer look at the velcro and mesh on the inside of the front side.

How to Wear The Brute Force Vest


Once you have the vest on your shoulders, it’s time to connect the velcro straps.

First reach for the back straps and connect them to the inside of the front side.


Then connect the front straps to the back straps.

This gives you a perfect fit around your body shape.


Once both straps are on just repeat the same on the other side.

It should look like this once you have both straps on.


Even with a snug fit, there’s plenty of room around the shoulders.

The shoulders and arms are not restricted at all.


Here’s what the front of the Brute Force vest looks like.

It tapers in towards the shoulders so you have room to move the arms around.

In the back you can see how the Brute Force Training weight vest fits like a glove.

The top of the vest is wide and the bottom tapers down around my waist.

No Arm Restriction

Arms are freely moveable with overhead exercises like pullups.

On the way up, there’s no restriction bringing the arms down.

No restriction at the start of the pushup position where the arms are forward.

And no restriction when the arms go back while doing pushups.

Brute Force Vest Alternatives

ProSledge Weight Vest

prosledge weight vest reviews

The ProSledge weight vest is unique in that it comes with 3 lbs weight blocks.

It uses a chest zipper so it goes on easier than other vests.

And it has a weight capacity up to 106 lbs.

Kensui EZ-Vest Max V2

The Kensui EZ Vest Max V2 weight vest uses loading bars that screw to the front and back of the vest to add Olympic weight plates.

I can load this weight vest up to 300 lbs making it one of the heaviest loaded weight vests around.

This one is $299 and does not include any weights.

Brute Force Training Discount Code

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If you wanna pick up a Brute Force Training weighted vest but don’t want to pay full price, I got you…

Use my exclusive coupon code to get yourself a 10% discount.

Click the red button below to reveal the discount code.

Brute Force Training Weight Vest

brute force training weight vest review

Brute Force Training really nailed the design of the Operator 2.0 vest.

It’s one of the most comfortable weight vests I’ve worn and I’ve reviewed a few of them.

Fully adjustable with double wide velcro straps, the vest conforms to your body so it stays in place while you workout.

With the ability to use 12 filler bags, the vest becomes scalable to your fitness level.

Start with a small amount of bags on and as you get stronger, add up to 40 lbs.

Made of military grade material, the Brute Force Training vest 2.0 is solid!

Brute Force Training Weight Vest 2.0






Arm Movement






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