Dumbbell To Barbell Converter

Looking for a dumbbell to barbell converter calculator?

Use our FREE calculator to estimate your barbell bench press based on your dumbbell bench weight.

How To Use The Calculator

Dumbbell to Barbell Converter

Using the dumbbell to barbell calculator is straight forward.

Enter the total weight (both dumbbells) you use to bench press with dumbbells.

Press calculate and you’ll get an estimation of the equivalent weight using a barbell.

What Is The Dumbbell To Barbell Converter?

dumbbell to barbell converter

The dumbbell to barbell calculator is an easy to use tool to estimate your dumbbell to barbell bench ratio.

How Does The Calculator Work

The calculator adds 80% of the dumbbell weight you lift to the barbell.

So if you can lift 100 lbs with dumbbells, you should be able to lift 180 lbs with a barbell.

Why Is Dumbbell Bench Press Harder Than Barbell Bench Press?


Dumbbell bench pressing is more challenging than barbell bench press for a couple reasons:

  • Instability: Dumbbells are less stable so this requires more of my shoulder stabilizers and core to be firing
  • Range of motion: With dumbbells I can get a bigger stretch making it harder to come out from the bottom position

RELATED: Max Bench Calculator

Barbell to Dumbbell Converter

Using an inverse formula, we can convert your barbell bench press weight to estimate what you can handle with dumbbells.

And it’s just as easy as using the dumbbell to barbell calculator…

Enter the weight you use on a barbell bench press.

Press calculate and you’ll get an estimation of the equivalent weight using dumbbells.

Barbell to Dumbbell Converter

Conclusion: Dumbbell To Barbell Calculator

This FREE dumbbell to barbell calculator gives you an easy way to estimate your barbell bench press based on your dumbbell weight.

Although most people want to know the dumbbell weight to barbell equivalent, I decided to include a barbell to dumbbell calculator as well.

This takes all the math out of your head so you can just focus on pushing the weight, not racking your brain.