Exponent Edge Landmine Bar Pre-Order Opens

The Exponent Edge Landmine Bar has been released for pre-order.

Unlike current landmine set ups, this is a barbell that’s only meant to be used for landmine exercises.

I’ll fill you in on the details Exponent Edge has shared.

Edge Landmine Bar Specs

exponent edge landmine bar specs
  • Weight: 40 lbs
  • Length: 86″ (60″ shaft with 10″ loadable sleeve)
  • Rack compatibility: Works with 2×2, 2×3, and 3×3 racks with both 5/8″ and 1″ holes
  • Weight plate compatibility: Olympic sized weight plates
  • Handles: 29mm, comes with knurled handle (rotating knurled handle also available additionally)

What Makes The Edge Landmine Bar Different?


Traditional landmine attachments use a hollow, rotating sleeve where you insert your barbell.

The Edge Landmine Bar does not insert into a sleeve, it’s one unit where the barbell and rack attachment are one piece.

Jay from Exponent Edge created it this way so that the Landmine Bar can be attached anyone on a rack without the bar slipping out.

I can see this being very safe when doing Viking Presses cause I’ve had my barbell slip out a few times doing them.

RELATED: Exponent Edge Landmine Jack

Handle Diameter

With traditional landmine set ups, you’re using a barbell’s thick sleeve as a handle.

The landmine bar has the thick sleeve so that you can load Olympic sized weight plates but it uses a 29 mm, knurled handle that connects to the end of the sleeve.

A combination of the moderately aggressive knurling (vs a slick barbell sleeve) and a smaller diameter, makes it easier to grip the bar while performing landmine exercises.

The bar comes with a knurled handle but there’s an option to purchase a 360 degree rotating knurled handle to make exercises flow smoothly.

ALSO CHECKOUT: Exponent Edge Infinity Arm

Edge Landmine Bar Price

exponent edge landmine bar price

Current price for the Landmine Bar is $329 which is a pre-order discount.

I’m not sure how much more it will go up after the launch but if you’re a landmine fanatic, this is a good time to jump on this bar.

And if you really wanna get it at the lowest price, I’m gonna hook you up with an exclusive discount code.

Exponent Edge Discount

exponent edge landmine bar discount code coupon

This will get you an additional 5% off the pre-order discounted price.

So you’ll be able to knock down $16 more.

Click the red button below to reveal the discount code…