XMaster Heavy Mug

The XMaster heavy mug is a super heavy mug that makes it almost impossible to drink out of…

Unless you practice liquid curls frequently.

Made out of beautiful stainless steel and with a knurled handle, heavy mugs have taken then internet by storm.

Let’s check it out!


xmaster heavy mug reviews

The XMaster heavy mug came neatly packaged in molded, heavy duty foam.

I own several XMaster products and they always above and beyond with their packaging.

xmaster super heavy mug

I took it out of the box and it feels like the heaviest 22 lbs I’ve ever lifted.

And it feels that way because the majority of the weight is on the body of the mug so it’s off-centered kinda like a kettlebell.

Here’s a close up look of the knurled handle.

It’s mild knurling and according to XMaster’s website, it is 0.5mm.

The bottom is solid metal.

With the mug being so heavy, I don’t see it sliding around anywhere.


  • Weight: 10kg (22 lbs). Also available in 8kg (17 lbs)
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Knurled
  • Volume: 3.4 ounces

What Is The XMaster Heavy Mug?

xmaster heavy mug reviews 5

The XMaster heavy mug is a gag gift among home gym owners.

Yes it can hold liquid but the 10kg mug makes it very difficult to drink out of.

So those liquid curls tend to be shaky.

I wanted to see how accurate the weight was on this super heavy mug so I hung it from a crane scale.

And it weighs 21.8 lbs so it’s pretty accurate.d

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XMaster Heavy Mug Alternatives

Eleiko Heavy Mug

eleiko heavy mug

The Eleiko heavy mug is the original heavy mug that started out as a joke.

After Eleiko sold out of the 300 heavy mugs they had available, they retired the product.

Rogue Heavy Mug

rogue heavy mug

The Rogue artillery heavy mug comes in a 10kg version but…

Can also be upgraded to include an anvil set that sits on top of the mug and adds another 10kg making it super heavy.

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XMaster Heavy Mug Price

xmaster heavy mug price

The 10KG heavy mug I have costs $168 while the 8KG version is $128.

Read below to get a coupon code that’ll save you 5% so you’re not paying full price.

XMaster Discount Code

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To get a 5% discount on the XMaster heavy mug, click the red button below to reveal my exclusive coupon code.

That discount works for any product on the XMaster Fitness website.

Where Buy The Heavy Mug

The only place you can buy the XMaster mug is through their official website.

Click the red button below to go there directly.