Greg O'Gallagher

How Greg O’Gallagher Gets Insane Kinobody Results

Greg O’Gallagher does a great job at constantly showing off his physique on Instagram and YouTube but you already knew that…

Greg O'Gallagher

Heck, I’m surprised he even came out with a clothing line since he’s always topless…

And you’ve probably seen people raving about the amazing transformations and results they get using his Kinobody programs

But have you ever wondered how they’ve done it?

Well…you’ve come to the right place because I’m going to break down every aspect of Greg O’Gallagher’s programs and how you can apply them too.

Keep reading below and you’ll learn how Greg O’Gallagher ties it all together to build the physique most people dream of.

Greg O’Gallagher’s Diet

Greg structures his diet (and programs) on simplicity.

Follow an intermittent fasting regimen where you eat 4 – 6 hours after you wake up and stick to your calories and macros

That’s it! It really is that simple…

Of course there are strategies to doing this the right way which Greg shares inside his programs but…

When you start to complicate things, then they become unsustainable and you fall off the wagon.

This simplicity is what gets Greg’s followers real results without the need to hire a nutritionist.

RELATED: Free TDEE Calculator

Ditch Being a Gym Rat

Unlike the bros you see at the gym who know everyone because they spend hours and hours there, Greg O’Gallagher’s philosophy is to enjoy life first.

You don’t have to be a gym rat to look great.

In fact, a lack of recovery from overtraining is what prevents most people from achieving their ideal body.

Greg recommends training 3 times a week but that you do it in a way where you are giving it your best (lifting heavy).

Every time you go in the gym, you try to lift a little bit heavier than you did the last time.

When you lift heavy your body demands the recovery time which is why you don’t need to be in there so often.

His training programs focus on lifting for strength rather than just achieving a muscle pump.

O’Gallagher Trains For Strength

Greg emphasizes training with heavy weights with long rest periods for maximum performance.

Strength training usually consists of only a few sets per movement for 4-8 reps.

What you’re trying to accomplish here is what is known as Myofibrillar Hypertrophy.

This results in an increase in size of the contractual filaments (Actin and Myosin) in your muscles, which has a direct effect on strength and power.

With strength training, as long as you’re consistently lifting heavier in the 5-8 rep range, you will be building muscle.

Your muscles will become bigger and more dense as they adapt to lifting heavier and heavier weights.

This will allow you to gain size and make progress on your physique with only a few short workouts each week.

Reverse Pyramid Training

What is the Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT) method?

In my 20+ years of training this has been the most effective training method to gaining jaw dropping strength and building more muscle..

Even at 40 years of age! See my results below from following the Warrior Shredding Program.

kinobody results

Ironically, this is about the simplest and most sensible way to go about training, but sadly no one ever does it.

In fact, nearly every workout routine I had seen before is the complete opposite…

In an RPT workout, you’ll be doing your heaviest set first while you’re completely fresh.

This allows you to handle heavy weights with more ease and power than ever before.

Of course, you can’t jump right into your heavy set without a proper warm up.

You don’t want to get injured…

So perform a couple warm up sets while minimizing fatigue.

Perform 5 reps with a light weight, 3 reps with a medium weight, and 1 rep with a weight close to your heavy set.

Rest a couple minutes between these build up sets and a full 3 minutes before going into your work set.

The good news is that you only have to do these build up sets for the first exercise of a muscle group.

For your other exercises, you can just jump right into your first work set.

Make sure take a 3 minute break in between sets to optimize recovery.

Try RPT and you’ll see for yourself how strong and muscular you’ll get very quickly.

Rest Pause Training

After you’ve been training for strength for several months, you can maximize your physique development with some strategic Rest Pause Training.

This is also known as “Pump Training”.

The concept is that you’re striving to get as much volume as possible in a short amount of time to maximize muscular stimulation.

This helps to fill out your muscles even more but remember your first priority should be to train for strength, not a pump.

Greg O’Gallagher recommends rest pause training especially when targeting the deltoids doing lateral raises.

Let’s take lateral raises as an example…

  • Start off with a weight you can perform 12 – 15 times (1st set)
  • Take a 10 second break…
  • Use the same weight to pump out 6 more reps (Mini set)
  • Take a 10 second break…
  • Repeat the mini sets 2 – 3 more times with a 10 second break in between.

With only a 10 second break after each set, you maintain a state of maximal muscle fiber activation.

This only takes about 5 minutes but it’s effective and you’ll feel a nasty pump!

Greg O’Gallagher Catches Z’s

Even if you’re following the best diet and workout program to boost results, the reason for your underperformance could be a lack of quality sleep.

Unlike the gym bros who don’t take a days off, you’ll never grow to your fullest potential and burn fat if you don’t get enough rest.

And most of your growth will happen while you sleep.

One of the biggest problems caused by loss of sleep quality is hormonal imbalances.

When you sleep is when hormones like HGH are secreted to help you grow and maintain your body in top shape.

Lack of sleep also has an adverse effect on your natural production of testosterone levels.

Terrible sleep directly affect your body’s ability to burn fat because you’re in a constant state of excess cortisol secretion (the stress hormone).

Being in a constant state of stress shuttles resources away from processes like fat metabolism and that will affect your physique directly.

So get off your phone at least 2 hours before you go to bed.

That white light hitting your eyes can affect your sleep cycle in more ways than you think.

Sleep is not an optional luxury. Sleep is a non-negotiable biological necessity. 

Improve the quality and quantity of your sleep and you’ll start seeing phenomenal results.

Greg Runs the Opposite Direction

Greg O'Gallagher

When it all comes down to it, Greg O’Gallagher is basically doing the opposite of what you see in fitness magazines and what the industry tells you to do.

  • He’s not eating 3 meals a day with snacks in between…
  • He’s skipping breakfast…
  • A big percentage of his diet is made up of carbs…
  • He only lifts 3 times a week…
  • And when he lifts, his first set is the heaviest, not his last…

Had I started following Greg O’Gallagher’s advice in my 20’s and 30’s I would’ve looked even more shredded than I do now.

So now it’s your turn to get in amazing shape and show off your transformation in a few months…

Click the orange button below to take the Physique Quiz and see which Kinobody program will help you reach your goals the fastest.

kinobody physique quiz

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