kinobody intermittent fasting guide

Kinobody Intermittent Fasting Guide

Kinobody Intermittent Fasting Guide

In this Kinobody intermittent fasting guide I’m going to show you the same dietary approach I’ve used in combination with Kinobody workout programs to get phenomenal results. 

At almost 40 years old, I’ve found this to be the most simple approach to stick to a nutrition plan that doesn’t feel like dieting.

I’m talking about intermittent fasting. 

If you’re not familiar with intermittent fasting, it’s a way of eating where you stick to a time frame or eating window but it’s not considered a diet because it doesn’t tell you what to eat specifically.   

There are different approaches to intermittent fasting and they all work as long as you commit to one, but this Kinobody intermittent fasting guide lays out the most effective approach for myself and I want to share it with you.

Most other approaches overcomplicate your eating patterns making fasting seem like a chore.

For example, having to stick to a precise fasting and feasting window can be very difficult depending on what you have going on through your day. 

Some other fasting techniques utilize longer fasting periods where you eat only once a day and that seems like it would be difficult to maintain for most people.

I have been following what I’m about to share in this intermittent fasting guide for almost 2 years now and I can say without a doubt that it’s been the most effective nutrition hack I have ever come across.   

It’s enjoyable, time freeing, and helps you lose fat while getting chiseled at the same time.

In my opinion, your nutrition has to be effective but most importantly enjoyable or you will not stick to it for long. 

This is where intermittent fasting comes in. 

You push your first meal later into the day so you don’t have to worry about preparing breakfast or your other six meals as the bodybuilding industry says you need to do. 

I skip breakfast, drink about 2 cups of black coffee, (sometimes tea), and about 4 cups of water, before I eat my first meal around 1pm. 

I generally fast for about 16 hours but to keep it easy, just skip breakfast and start eating 4-6 hours after you wake up.

Intermittent Fasting Benefits

Before you start to see the benefits of intermittent fasting, you have to get your body used to skipping breakfast. 

It will take about two weeks to do so and you’ll feel weird at first, but once your body gets used to this change, you’ll start to see the amazing benefits of fasting.

kinbody resultsGrowth hormone levels rise (up to 2000% in men!) and helps preserve muscle mass and shifts your metabolism to fat burning.

Insulin sensitivity in your muscles increases which is perfect for lean muscle gains.  By having improved insulin sensitivity, you can better direct carbs into your muscle stores and away from fat storage.

Testosterone levels also increase by 180%!

Coffee & Intermittent Fasting

I wrote earlier that I drink black coffee during my fast and the reason for this is because research has shown that coffee has fat burning effects so when you combine a cup of joe with intermittent fasting, you’ll see results much faster.

Coffee will also blunt your appetite so that you’re not thinking of food or hearing your stomach yelling at you during the times you are fasting.  

kinobody intermittent fasting black coffee

One additional benefit that I believe is very important to my overall health is the concept of autophagy. 

Autophagy is a self-digestive mechanism where our old cells and proteins are recycled by healthy cells and turned into energy. 

This helps you to maintain strong cells and gets rid of the weaker ones.  This means you function and feel better.

The Breakfast Fallacy

If you’re like me, you probably grew up hearing that you should never skip breakfast and breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Well, since I started Kinobody intermittent fasting protocols, I look better, weigh less, and most importantly feel better.

Most breakfast options are loaded with sugar or fat (sometimes both).

And if you think about it, our ancestors didn’t have the option of a fridge or pantry that was nicely stocked when they first woke up. 

They had to hunt during the day and feast in the evening.  

So how did the breakfast thing come into play? 

Well, it turns out that cereal companies have come up with a phenomenal marketing strategy to deepen their pockets that everyone now believes.

Fasting in the morning triggers your sympathetic nervous system which keeps you alert, focused, and energetic so you get through your morning feeling your best. 

The key is to get your body used to burning fat instead of sugar (carbs).  

On the contrary, when you eat big meals full of carbs (breakfast cereals, doughnuts, bagels, etc), you trigger your parasympathetic nervous system which makes you feel sluggish and sleepy because your body has to shift energy to digest all that mess you ate.

So to keep it simple, just focus on eating your meals in the afternoon and evening for best results.

Tracking Calories & Macros

This is something I wish I would’ve known decades ago!  This makes all the difference when it comes to getting lean, gaining muscle, and seeing results so that you stay motivated.  

Although intermittent fasting does not tell you what to eat, you still should be eating a fairly healthy diet not stuffing your face with junk food.  Otherwise you won’t be happy when you look at yourself in the mirror. 

Losing fat and gaining muscle is not rocket science.  You simply track your calories and macros

If you want to lose fat, you have to be in a caloric deficit (eat less than what you burn). 

If you want to add more muscle, go a little over your maintenance level in terms of calories so that you have fuel to add muscle.  

Greg teaches you how to determine your caloric and macronutrients number in more detail inside his programs.

Once I knew my numbers, I found that intermittent fasting makes eating healthy easier than ever before. 

Every time I eat, I simply input the food into a free app and it spits out the amount of calories and macronutrients I have left for that day.

On top of that, you’re only eating 2 or 3 meals per day so dieting is a breeze, when you compare it to meal prepping or eating every 2 or 3 hours.

Since you skip breakfast, you save those calories for later in the day. 

With each meal you will have plenty of calories to work with so you have a ton of options to consume satisfying meals. 

You can also go out to restaurants and eat normal meals without compromising your social life.

So understand that as far as fat loss and muscle mass is concerned, calories and macros matter. 

If you’re not using an app to keep track of these numbers, you are only making it harder on yourself.  

The Kinobody Intermittent Fasting Guide

So how can you jump on the Kinobody intermittent fasting bandwagon and start skipping breakfast so you can reap the benefits?

It’s not hard to do and if you just commit to doing it consistently, soon you’ll create a habit that will keep you lean and muscular for years to come.

I get asked all the time how I look this way at 40 years of age. 

When I tell them about intermittent fasting they all stare at me dumbfounded because they’ve been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  

I then stare at their midsection and ask them how that’s working out, lol. 

Ok, now let me show you how to get ripped easily, the Kinobody intermittent fasting way:

  1. Forget about counting your fasting hours – I fast for 16 hours most of the time but I don’t carry a stopwatch with me counting those hours.

    I stop eating around 8 or 9pm (this gives me plenty of room if I want to go out for dinner), wake up around 7am, and eat around 12pm.

    So just wake up and eat 4-6 hours afterwards.  Easy as that.

  2. Caffeine to the rescue – drink black coffee during your fast.

    It has tons of benefits, will blunt your appetite, increase energy levels, and improve fat mobilization so you burn more fat.

    Just make sure you stick to it during your fasting period only.  Don’t drink after lunch so that it doesn’t interfere with your sleep.

    If you don’t like black coffee, substitute it with green tea or plain H20.

  3. Stay busy – run your days as you normally would.

    If you start to think about when you should break your fast or if you should be drinking water or drinking more coffee, your mind will constantly be on food.

    The more busy you stay, the faster your fasting period will pass and before you know it you’ll be enjoying a satisfying lunch.

  4. Workout smarter – your workouts shouldn’t last 2 hours.

    Focus on low volume workouts which focus on gaining strength.

    This will allow you to get stronger which causes muscle gain.

    By working out low volume, you also allow your nervous system to recover fully so that you can lift more heavy shit the next workout.  Overtraining does not equal results.

  5. Eat like a king – because you’re skipping breakfast, you have plenty of room to eat like a king in the afternoon as long as you stay within your numbers.

    You’ll feel incredibly full even though you’re eating less frequently so it won’t feel like you’re on a diet.

    This is what makes intermittent fasting so enjoyable and sustainable!

Kinobody Diet Plan Secret Tip

In the video above I reveal a Kinobody diet plan secret that’s going to help you to lose fat constantly and prevent hitting a plateau.

It has to do with the hormone Leptin.

Leptin is a hormone produced in our fat cells and it’s responsible for controlling your energy, appetite, and metabolism.

When you follow Kinobody diet plans you are on a specific caloric deficit and this is done on purpose to accelerate fat loss.

As you continue to lose fat, Leptin production will decrease since it’s produced in our fat cells.

With a decrease in Leptin you’ll have less energy and a slower metabolism.

In order to increase your metabolism so you can continue to lose weight, you have to introduce a Carb Re-feed day once a week.

You’ll increase your calories by 500 more specifically in carbohydrates.

This will increase your Leptin levels which will boost your metabolism

Final Thoughts

Since learning how to properly eat through Kinobody intermittent fasting,

I’ve been able to lose over 10 pounds of fat while gaining some lean muscle and enjoying the process on a daily basis.

I truly believe Kinobody’s intermittent fasting guide is one of the best ones out there because you’re able to enjoy life without feeling shackled down to a diet. 

Once I got this strategy down, it saved me a ton of the pain and anguish I’d gone through with other diets.

If you’re thinking about starting with intermittent fasting, I recommend following one of Kinobody’s programs. 

They have a big selection to choose from based on your fitness goals.  

You’ll learn the most enjoyable ways to handle rapid fat loss while gaining muscle.

Not sure which program is right for you?  No problem…

Take the 1 minute Physique Quiz to help you choose which one is right based on your body type.

Just click the orange button below to get started right now!

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