kinobody legs

Kinobody Legs Workout

Kinobody Legs Workout

Today I’ll be showing you a Kinobody legs workout.

Yes, Greg O’Gallagher actually does train his legs and has leg days in his programs…

He just doesn’t emphasize a lot of volume on legs because it takes away from the masculine “Hollywood Physique” which his programs are designed to give you.

According to Greg, legs are meant to be well developed, proportionate, and sleek looking.

Legs are meant to complement NOT overpower your upper body.

No Bodybuilder Legs

Bodybuilders strive to build massive legs that can only fit into sweat pants.

Not only does this look abnormal but it is completely non-functional!

Bodybuilders do high volume leg workouts that cause rapid muscle growth with little increases in relative strength.

This results in big, slow, tree trunk legs that are useless.

I don’t know about you but I’m not looking to compete on a bodybuilding stage anytime soon.

Athletic Kinobody Legs

My goal as a Kino warrior is to build legs that are super athletic and strong without adding unnecessary bulk.

So as promised, in the video below you’ll see a sample of a leg workout from one of the Kinobody programs.

This workout is not designed to maximize hypertrophy (muscle growth)!

I actually like to avoid triggering a bunch of muscle growth on the legs.

The reason is simple: it’s quite easy to add size to the legs.

Plus it’ll make it harder for you to find jeans that fit.

If you look at Hollywood actors with great physiques, they tend to have very balanced leg development – nothing over the top.

Finally, adding too much size to the legs can cause the inevitable thigh chafe, where your legs rub together when you walk.

You’ve probably heard girls talking about this and it’s not very comfortable.

More Than Aesthetics

When building an all around athletic and powerful physique, I like to go for more than just for looks.

I like to go for strength, power, and athleticism.

What’s the point in looking all jacked if you can barely run or you look all stiff like a bodybuilder?

To me that just makes you look like a meat head instead of powerful and athletic.

To add to my powerful, lean and athletic physique, I add hill sprints to my leg training.

Cardio For Powerful Legs

Once a week I’ll head over to the local park and find a hill to do sprints.

Hill sprints are a great way to get some cardio in and develop powerful, lean, and functional legs in just 10 – 15 minutes a week!

This will especially strengthen your posterior chain muscles: glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

I recommend doing hill sprints once per week. Trust me, when you do it right, that’s really all you need!

Do a total of 8 – 10 hill sprints at 90% max effort with full recovery in between runs.

Train Legs Just Don’t Over Do It

I train legs once a week lifting weights and another day doing hill sprints.

This keeps my legs powerful and looking athletic so that they complement my upper body.

You don’t want to be that guy that has a super strong and ripped upper body with below average legs.

Whether you’re playing a game of football, going snowboarding with some buddies, or lifting something heavy off the floor, you’re only as strong as your weakest link.

Every Kinobody program has a leg day workout.

If you’re not sure which training program is right for you, just take the 1 minute Physique Quiz to pick a program based on your body type.

Click the orange button below to take the quiz now.

kinobody physique quiz

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