kinobody workout

Kinobody Workout: Chest Specialization

Kinobody Workout: Greek God Chest Specialization

Today’s Kinobody workout comes straight out the Greek God Program‘s “Specialization” routines.

Greg recommends using specialization routines to accelerate the growth of certain muscle groups.

When doing specialization routines you’re increasing the volume of a certain exercise on your workout days.

But it’s done strategically as you can’t add volume to every exercise or you’ll risk over training and regressing on strength progressions.

Chest Specialization Workout

So for example, most Kinobody workouts have 4 – 5 exercises.

For most of those exercises I’ll do 2 – 3 sets but…

When I want to train for chest specialization, instead of doing my usual 2 – 3 sets of incline bench, I’m going to add two more sets to that exercise.

I would do 5 sets of incline bench using reverse pyramid training since we’re always training for strength.

With reverse pyramid training involves performing your heaviest set first when you are completely fresh and have the most strength

But in order to avoid over training, I’m going to add an additional 2 sets to that exercise ONLY!

All the other exercises stay as prescribed within the Greek God program.

Greg recommends sticking to specialization routines for 6 weeks before changing to another one.

Inside the program he’s prescribed specializations for shoulders, triceps, back, biceps, and legs.

Kinobody Workout Plateau Busters

In order to avoid hitting plateaus in the Greek God Program, Greg recommends using a very little known strategy known as “Micro Loading”

And it insures that you continue to make micro progressions with the help of fractional plates.

These are tiny plates that come in 0.25 lbs, 0.5 lbs, 1 lbs, and 1.25 lbs sizes.

kinobody micro plates

Such a small weight may become insignificant but once you hit a plateau, a 5 to 10 lbs jump is huge!

And you may feel stuck…

You remember when you were a beginner and you were making great progressions and setting new PR’s every week?

Your numbers were going up quickly but eventually as you continue to improve and become more advanced, you hit a plateau.

Don’t feel bad…

It happens to all of us.

The stronger you get and as you become more experienced, the more difficult it becomes to make strength progressions and it can be frustrating.

Chest Micro Loading

kinobody chest workout

Micro-loading enables you to add anywhere from 0.5 lbs to 2.5 lbs to the bar every workout on your key lifts.

You won’t be trying to push for a huge strength increase every workout.

Instead, you’ll be adding small increments which are much more manageable and will lessen the likely hood of you grinding out reps and stalling out.

So for example, if you were to use 1.25 lbs micro plates for the incline bench press it would look like this:

Incline Barbell Bench Press Example

  • Workout 1:
    • Set 1: 200 lbs x 5 reps
    • Set 2: 180 lbs x 6 reps
    • Set 3: 160 lbs x 8 reps
  • Workout 2:
    • Set 1: 202.5 lbs x 5 reps (2.5 lbs increase from workout 1)
    • Set 2: 182.5 lbs x 6 reps (2.5 lbs increase from workout 1)
    • Set 3: 162.5 lbs x 8 reps (2.5 lbs increase from workout 1)
  • Workout 3:
    • Set 1: 205 lbs x 5 reps (5 lbs increase from workout 1)
    • Set 2: 185 lbs x 6 reps (5 lbs increase from workout 1)
    • Set 3: 165 lbs x 8 reps (5 lbs increase from workout 1)

This gives you the potential to add continuous weight to your bench and other key lifts every month!

Learning how to get a stronger chest with micro-loading is as simple as it gets, and it will also help reduce the risk of running into a plateau.

Imagine how your chest will transform after continuing to micro load 4 to 5 months from now.

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