nordclamp review

The NordClamp Review

The NordClamp is the NordStick’s latest innovation.

In case you’re not aware, the NordStick slides under a door and secures your feet so you can easily do Nordic curls from home.

The clamp velcros to any fixed vertical beam so I can connect my NordStick to it.

Now I can take my NordStick from my house to the gym or anywhere else.

Let’s check it out!


the nordclamp review

The NordClamp comes in a small box surrounded by bubble wrap.

the nordclamp

This is it out of the box.

It’s a cylindrical metal clamp with a velcro strap attached to it.

nordclamp review

One side has a D ring for the velcro strap to go through.

Here’s a top view of the NordClamp showing the big metal knob on the top.

nordclamp reviews

The bottom portion of the clamp has two metal knobs that connect the front metal piece to the back piece.

nordclamp for nordstick

And the other side has a 2″ thick velcro strap.

The strap feels tough and made of high quality material.

the nordclamp reviews

This is the back side of the NordClamp.

There’s a rubber backing on the metal plate and this will be directly touching my weight rack or any other upright post I want to use.

And here’s a side view showing the velcro strap going through the D-ring.


Metal Build

Both the front and back of the NordClamp are built out of metal.

Including the three knobs.

This is the back of the front plate.

An all metal build makes it tough and should make it a life long piece of equipment.

Strong Velcro Strap

The velcro strap is 2″ thick and 12″ long.

Once I strap it on tightly, it velcros down securely.

Rubber Backing

Rubber backing protects your rack and gives it grip to reduce movement during exercise.

How The NordClamp Works

Step 1

Remove the front plate from the NordClamp to expose the back plate.

Step 2

Place your NordStick in the middle of the back plate.

Step 3

Screw the front plate to the back plate.

Step 4

Place the rubber backing against the upright (or other vertical beam) and wrap the velcro strap around it.

Insert the velcro strap through the D-ring and pull tightly.

Velcro the strap down.

Works With All NordSticks

The NordClamp is compatible with all NordStick version.

nordclamp original nordstick

Here it is on the original NordStick.

nordclamp nordstick pro

This is the NordStick Pro or 2.0 version.

nordclamp atg nordstick

And here’s the ATG NordStick which is their top of the line version.

Nordic Curls On A Rack

Nordic Curls

nordclamp nordic curls

I can do Nordic curls on the floor by setting up the NordClamp low.

the nordclamp

For this I like to use my AbMat box squat pad so I don’t bang up my knees.

nordclamp reviews

I also have the option to do Nordic curls on a bench (for people that don’t have pads).

nordclamp nordic curls

Just pull up a bench next to my upright, set the NordClamp a little bit higher than the bench, and I’m ready to roll.

Nordic curls aren’t easy so I usually use the NordSpotter for nordic curl progressions.

Sit Ups

nordclamp sit ups

Another benefit of having my feet anchored is that I can use this for sit ups.

I can do sit ups on the floor with my AbMat pad

Or I can set the clamp high again and pull up a bench right next to the uprights.

Pros & Cons

the nordclamp by nordstick


  • Build: Metal build with strong velcro and quality strap for longevity
  • Compatibility: Works with all NordStick versions
  • Affix to many structures: Can be used on weight racks, posts, park bench, or any fixed vertical structure


  • Tilt: Tilts slightly if you apply more pressure to one side than the other. With equal pressure on both sides it works well.

NordClamp Discount

nordclamp discount coupon code

The NordClamp sells for $39.99 but I’m going to hook you up with my exclusive coupon code.

This will get you a 10% discount on the clamp and anything on the NordStick website.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for the discount.

NordClamp Review

nordclamp review

I really like how adding the NordClamp to the NordStick gives me the option to use it at different places.

It’s built with quality materials so it can take a beating on leg days.

If you like the challenge of Nordic curls and own a NordStick, this is a good add-on.

Check Out The NordClamp

The NordClamp






Use on many structures




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