Seal Row Bench DIY Dumbbell or Barbell Prone Row Alternative

Seal Row Bench DIY

Looking for a seal row bench DIY?

This DIY version will save you TONS of money and get your back jacked!

It’s a great dumbbell or barbell prone row alternative.

The seal row is a great exercise for the middle back and lats.

It takes out the momentum so you can’t cheat the weight up.

When it comes to seal rows, people either use a seal row bench, which has adjustable legs that move up or down or they place a flat bench on plyo boxes.

That means you’d have to buy all that extra gym equipment just to do one exercise.

Well…. You don’t have to.

All you’re going to need is an adjustable bench and a barbell or spotter arms

Seal Row Bench Setup

Here’s how to create a seal row bench set up.

  • Face the adjustable bench towards the rack
  • Set up the bench’s anchor point
    • You can use spotter arms or a barbell
  • Sit the bench’s bottom leg on top of the anchor point
  • Adjust the bench or anchor height so that the backrest is horizontal

Now all you need is either a barbell or dumbbells below the bench.

Seal Row Benefits

The seal row is basically a prone row.

It’ll work your middle back muscles and lats adding more thickness to your back.

It’s a good alternative to the traditional barbell rows because your low back is supported the whole time so it decreases the chance of getting a low back injury.

It can be done with a dumbbell or barbell.

The dumbbell seal row or db seal row will give you more ability to go through a bigger range of motion because you can bring your elbows further back.

The barbell seal row has limited range of motion because you can’t move the bar past the bottom of the bench.

For that reason, many companies have start making seal row bars which have handles attached to the barbell.

seal row bench

The handles form a space allowing you to bring the barbell further up without hitting the bench.

If you don’t have dumbbells, you could use special grips like the Angles90 which make it easy to add handles to barbells and other exercise equipment.

So that’s it!

Now you know how to make a DIY seal row bench so you can get solid mass on your back without having to spend a ton of money.

Want more ideas for your home gym?

Get a tour of my garage gym and check out the all equipment I have here.

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