superhero bulking program

Superhero Bulking Program Workout

Superhero Bulking Program Workout

In this Superhero Bulking Program workout I’ll show you a taste of the insane hypertrophy (muscle growth) caused by Dual Pyramid Training (DPT).

This is where you mix in reverse pyramid training and standard pyramid training in the same workout.

Talk about a pump! Try it out and I guarantee you’ll be sore tomorrow.

Reverse Pyramid Training

Reverse pyramid training (RPT) is a training style used to increase strength and hypertrophy.

With RPT you start off with your heaviest set first when you’re completely fresh.

This builds an immense amount of strength and accounts for 75% of your muscle growth.

With RPT you’re specifically training for what’s called Myofribillar Hypertrophy.

Since you’re lifting heavy, your body has no choice but to require more muscular contractions in order to lift the weight.

This forces your muscles to recruit more of the contractile proteins (myofibrils) within them, Actin and Myosin.

With RPT you’re lifting heavy weight but the volume is low.

You do 2 – 3 sets per exercise with 3 minutes of rest in between sets.

The rep range is between 4 – 8.

After the first set, you drop down the weight by 10% every subsequent set.

RPT is the best way to train for muscle growth and strength.

Standard Pyramid Training

The other type of training is Standard Pyramid Training (SPT).

This will deliver the remaining 25% of your gains and give you an insane pump.

With SPT you’ll start with a light weight and work your way up as you move from set to set.

You could also just keep the same weight throughout.

For this type of training you’ll do 4 – 6 sets of an exercise and rest about a minute in between sets.

Rep range would be around 12 to start and as you fatigue that number will start coming down.

This stimulates Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy.

It increases the amount of fluids within your muscles aka “the pump”.

SPT is the second best way to train for growth.

It will not increase your strength much but it will make your muscles look more full.

Combining RPT and SPT

Now that you know how to do these two types of training and their benefits…

Can you imagine how much stronger and bigger you’d get if you combined RPT and SPT in the same workout?

kinobody superhero pdf


That’s exactly what Greg O’Gallagher has programmed inside the Superhero Bulking Program!

Because these workouts are going to be high volume, Greg has divided the program into specializations.

Phase 1 of the program is Chest and Back Specialization.

Phase 2 is Shoulder Specialization.

And Phase 3 is Arm Specialization.

There’s also a bonus phase called The Ultimate Superhero.

You can read more about them in my Superhero Bulking Program review.

Superhero Bulking Program Workout

In this workout I’ll be showing you a sample of the Chest Specialization within the program.

The workout is the following:

  1. Incline bench press: 3 sets – 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)
  2. Flat bench press: 2 sets – 6, 8 reps (RPT)
  3. Cable crossovers: 6 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6 reps (SPT)

As you can see, the first two exercises are mainly training for strength and the last one is to maximize muscle fatigue with high reps and 6 freaking sets!

This my friend, is one hell of a pump that you’ll be feeling tomorrow.

After following this program don’t be surprised if your friends think you’re on steroids cause it will get you JACKED!

Ready to give it a shot?

Just click the orange button below and get your swole on.

superhero bulking program

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