the toe spacer reviews

The Toe Spacer Review

The Toe Spacer is a unique product that helps to realign my toes.

I like to do a lot of unilateral leg exercises and these help to improve my stability from the ground up.

With my toes aligned properly and spread out like they should, I have a wider base and better balance.

Not to mention the muscles in my feet get stronger from working more efficiently.

Let’s check it out!


The Toe Spacer comes in a small box about the length of a cell phone.

It’s made of soft silicone material so it stretches out easily but it’s not easy to tear.

Once I got the toe spacers out of the box, this is what they look like.

the toe spacer benefits

The columns on the toe spreaders fit in between my toes to spread them out.


  • Material: High quality soft silicone.
  • Size: One size fits all, the flexible silicone stretches across all foot widths and is not based on length of the foot.

How Do Toe Spacers Work?

toe spacer review

The Toe Spacer works by aligning your toes to their natural position.

So at the end of the day after having my feet crammed inside my shoes, the spacers help to do the opposite.

the toe spacer review

When the big toe and other toes are squeezed towards the middle of the foot, this directly affects gait, balance, stability, and performance.

So the toe spacer works by spreading the toes out to create a bigger surface area so you can improve on all those points.

How To Use The Toe Spacer

how to use the toe spacer

In the picture above I’m showing you the WRONG way to use them.

I made this mistake when I first tried them so I’m showing you what not to do.

The small bumps on the spacers should face down to fill in the gaps in between my toes.

This is the CORRECT way the toe spacers should be facing before you put them on.

are toe separators good

Once I got the spacers on you can see the bumps now face down.

does the toes spacer work

The big toe should be wrapped by an outer band.

the toes spacer reviews

And the little toe is completely free.

does the toe spacer work

And here’s what it should look like from the bottom

How Long Should The Spacers Be Used?

The Toe Spacer website recommends starting off with 10 minutes of use.

I started the same way and gradually increased the time as I got used to them.

Once my feet tolerated them for longer periods, I started wearing them while working out.

Benefits of Using The Toe Spacer

Helps to Realign Toes

Realigning my toes to their natural shape helps cover more surface area which improves stability and balance.

Stretch Muscles of the Foot

Stretches feet muscles and combats the negative impact of narrow toe box shoes.

Improves Foot Mobility and Stability

Restores natural foot function and provides a wider base for stability.

The Toe Spacer vs Correct Toes

the toe spacer vs correct toes
Photo by Correct Toes

Correct Toes is another popular brand of toe spacers so many people compare them to The Toe Spacer.

The main difference between the two is that Correct Toes come in different sizes vs The Toe Spacer being a one size fits all.

And Correct Toes cost $65 vs The Toe Spacer’s $19.95 (plus keep reading for a discount).

Other than that, they’re both made of soft, flexible silicone that spreads your toes out.

Pros & Cons


  • One size fits all: There’s no need to figure out what size will fit, the silicone spread to fit everyone regardless of shoe size
  • Comfortable: Soft, flexible silicone feels good between and around my toes
  • Improves function: Improves toe alignment, stability, balance, and function
  • Decreases pain: Reduces pain caused by tight fitting shoes cramming the toes together
  • Inexpensive: At $20 a pair, it’s an affordable investment to reduce pain and improve performance


  • Getting used to them: It takes a little bit of time to get used to them so start wearing them for 10 mins until your feet adjust

The Toe Spacer Discount Code

toe spacer discount code coupon

The Toe Spacer sells for $19.95 which is not bad at all compared to other brands out there.

But I did all the dirty work and reached out to the company to hook up my readers.

Click the red button below to reveal a 10% discount code.

The Toe Spacer Review

Are toe spacers worth it? I say yes they are.

Now that I’ve gotten used to them, I use them on leg days especially when doing unilateral exercises like lunges.

I use them directly on the floor or other equipment like slant boards.

And I can also wear them while doing nothing just to relieve pressure off my feet.

All in all, a small price to pay to function and feel better from the ground up.

Check Out The Toe Spacer Here

The Toe Spacer


One size fits all




Improves foot function


Decreases pain




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