tib bar guy torque bar review

Tib Bar Guy Torque Bar Review

I’ve been toying around with the Tib Bar Guy’s Torque Bar.

It’s an all-in-one upper extremity rehab, strengthening, and injury prevention bundle.

The package comes with 12 pieces that help me train everything from my fingers up to my shoulders.

First time I see a package that covers that much and it’s less than $100!

Let’s check it out!


Inside the box there’s a black travel case with the Tib Bar Guy branding.

Once I opened up the case, everything was neatly bubble and plastic wrapped.

tib bar guy torque bar review

There’s a lot inside the carrying case and I’ll be going over all these pieces in more detail later in this post.

For now I’ll just give you a quick glimpse of each part and what they’re for.

When I first saw the grip strengthener I didn’t see anything special about it.

But it’s actually an adjustable grip strengthener (which I’ve never seen before).

I’ll show you later how the handle lets me change the resistance from easy to hard.

There’s 4 finger extension resistance bands.

Each one has a different level of resistance and help to strengthen the finger extensor muscles in the forearm.

There’s a couple of collars in the package and their locking mechanism is very strong.

I put them to the test by hanging weights off one end of the weight sleeve (keep reading so you can check that out).

And these are detachable weight sleeves.

They’re compatible with Olympic sized weight plates and the built-in bolt connects to a handle to use as a Torque Bar or adjustable dumbbell.

These are the two handles that come with the bundle.

They both have mild knurling.

The one you see up front has a female opening on each end and the handle in the back has a male piece on one end.

I’ll be showing you how these are used along with the weight sleeves.

And lastly, the Tib Bar Guy Torque Bar bundle comes with a floss band.

Floss bands are used to reduce joint pain and improve blood flow.

I’ll show you how I use this on my elbow.


  • (1) Adjustable Grip Strength Trainer: Can be adjusted to 50 lbs, 75 lbs, 100 lbs, 125 lbs, and 150 lbs of resistance
  • (4) Finger extension resistance bands: Resistance levels of 8 lbs, 13 lbs, 18 lbs, and 21 lbs
  • (2) Weight collars: These have some serious clamping power
  • (2) Weight sleeves: 4 3/4″ long compatible with Olympic sized weight plates
  • Weight capacity: Tested up to 100 lbs
  • (2) Handles: Mild knurling, used for dumbbell and Torque bar
  • (1) Floss band
  • Storage case: 12″ L x 8″ H x 4.5″ D

Torque Bar

tib bar guy torque bar

The Torque Bar is similar to the Wrist Axe and the Strong Arm I’ve reviewed before but it also transforms into a dumbbell which is clever.

So I can use it to train more than just the wrist and forearms.

I can use it for biceps, triceps, and shoulder exercises too.

Here’s how to put the Torque Bar together.

tib bar guy torque bar review

First I connect a weight sleeve to the handle that doesn’t have a male piece.

Then I add the handle with the male piece and screw it on tightly.

tib bar guy torque bar review

And here’s what it looks like with all three piece connected.

This set up helps to strengthen my grip, wrists, and forearms.

I’ll show you several exercises for that.

Torque Bar Exercises

torque bar exercises

Here I’m working on radial flexion of the wrist.

I start with my pinky above my other fingers then bend my wrist up until the pinky ends at the bottom.

The further down the handle my hand is, the harder the exercise is.

This is ulnar flexion of the wrist.

It’s the opposite of radial flexion.

My pinky starts below my fingers and I bend my wrist up to bring the pinky up.

First image on the left I’m showing supination of the forearm.

I start with my palm facing down and rotate my forearm to end with palm facing up.

Second image on the right shows forearm pronation.

This is the opposite of supination where I start with my palm facing up and rotate my forearm to end up with palm facing down.

Next I’ll show you how to transform the Torque Bar to an adjustable dumbbell.

Adjustable Dumbbell

Here’s what the adjustable dumbbell looks like once it’s set up.

I’ll show you how to set it up…

For this one I’ll be connecting two weight sleeves to a handle.

Use the handle with female pieces on each end.

All I do is screw on the weight sleeves and that’s it.

torque bar adjustable dumbbell

Here’s what it looks like once the sleeves are on.

All that’s left to do is add weight plates and throw the collars on.


From here I can use the dumbbell for many upper body exercises.

I can work the wrists (wrist flexion and extension), biceps (curls), triceps (overhead extensions), and shoulders.

Weight Clamps Testing

I’ve tested a lot of weight collars and wanted to see how this one would hold up with the weight sleeve fully loaded.

So I threw on 50 lbs iron weight plates on one side and clamped it down.

I managed to get most of the collar on the weight sleeve.

Hung it upside down and sure enough that sucker held up real good.

Didn’t slide down the weight sleeve at all so it passed the test.

I might try it again with two 45 lbs plates and see it holds up just for shits and giggles.

Finger Extension Bands

torque bar finger extension band

The finger extension resistance bands are like finger handcuffs.

You stick your middle three fingers in the top three holes and pinky and thumb go on the bottom two.

Here’s what that looks like from the side.

My fingers start close to each other and the goal is to open them up against the band’s resistance.

Here’s what it looks like when I spread them out.

Looks easy but it’s harder than it looks even with the easiest band.

The resistance band strengthens the finger extensor muscles of the forearm to even out muscle imbalances.

Adjustable Grip Strength Trainer

tib bar guy grip strengthener

The grip strengthener caught me by surprise.

At first glance it looks like any other grip strengthener but it’s actually adjustable.

The top of each handle can be loosened and tightened to change resistance levels.

I do that by turning the top counter-clockwise until the bottom half of the handle starts to slide down.

torque bar grip strengthener

Here’s where I can see the different levels of resistance.

The further down I slide the handle, the lighter the resistance gets.

There’s 5 levels of resistance in total: 50 lbs, 75 lbs, 100 lbs, 125 lbs, and 150 lbs.

torque bar reviews

Once I select the level of resistance, I turn the handle clockwise and tighten it up real good.

This way I can strengthen my grip and finger flexors progressively.

tib bar guy torque bar reviews

I can start at 50 lbs and work my way up.

Other grip strengtheners I’ve used have one level of resistance so this is cool that they designed this one to be adjustable.

Floss Band


And the last thing in this Tib Bar Guy Torque Bar bundle is a floss band.

The theory behind flossing is that wrapping the band around a joint reduces blood flow to the area.

Once I remove the floss bland, blood rushes to the muscles carrying oxygen and nutrients.

After taking off the rubber band this thing is long.

I didn’t measure it but it’s long enough to wrap any body part several times.

For this example, I wrapped it around my elbow.

I make sure to cover muscles above and below the elbow joint.

This will compress everything in that area.

While I have that compression band on I can bend my elbow back and forth.

torque bar reviews

And even throw in wrist movements.

This is a good treatment option for golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow.

It’s just another recovery option to add to the arsenal of tools included in this package.

Storage Case

tib bar guy torque bar reviews

Once I’m done working out, everything fits neatly in the storage case.

The case is 12″ long x 8″ tall x 4.5″ deep which is smaller than my laptop so I’m impressed everything fits in there.

Torque Bar Pros & Cons

tib bar guy the torque bar

What I like

  • All-in-one: This bundle covers everything from the fingers all the way up to the shoulders.
  • Adjustable: Everything from the Torque bar to dumbbell to grip strengthener is adjustable so it can be made compact.
  • Build: Torque bar and dumbbell made out of steel parts for durability
  • Portable: Everything fits into a small storage case
  • Weight collars: Very good clamping power to make sure weights don’t slip off the sleeves

What I Would Improve

  • Handles: I would make the knurling on the handles a bit more aggressive. They’re not slippery just personal preference.

Tib Bar Guy Promo Code

tib bar guy promo discount code

At $85 I think the Torque Bar is priced fairly for everything that it does.

But I’m gonna help you bring that price down 10% with my promo code.

Click here and use coupon code SHREDDED at checkout for the discount.

Tib Bar Guy Torque Bar Review

tib bar guys torque bar review

Even though this product is called the Torque Bar, this is more than just a bar.

It’s an all in one upper extremity strengthening, rehab, and injury prevention kit.

I can train everything from my fingers to my shoulders.

And what’s cool is that everything breaks down and fits in a small travel case.

Check Out The Torque Bar Package Here

Tib Bar Guy Torque Bar










Weight collars


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