vector athletics grips reviews handles for resistance bands

Vector Grips Review

Vector Grips are knurled aluminum handles for resistance bands that add comfort to resistance band workouts.

I like to use these handles when working with heavy resistance bands.

They let me focus on the exercises instead of the discomfort in my hands.

Let’s check them out!



The grips came wrapped in foam paper to prevent them from getting scratched.

vector grips knurling

They have a very nice look and feel to them.

I like that Vector Athletics added knurling on these to prevent my hands from slipping when I get sweaty.

vector grips review

And when I flip the grips to the other side, there’s a gap for resistance bands to go through.

The gap is wide which is perfect for me cause I see myself using these more with thicker resistance bands.

I don’t think I’d need the handles for lighter bands.


are vector grips worth it
  • Material: Aluminum
  • Grip Diameter: 46mm (also available in 42mm)
  • Length: 5.3″
  • Band Gap: 10mm

Top Benefits of The Vector Athletic Grips

vector grips

The problem I have when holding thick resistance bands is that they can get uncomfortable when they’re under a lot of tension.

Biggest benefit for me is that I can use thick bands and load them up without any discomfort in my hands so I can focus on exercising, not my hands.

Best Vector Grips Features


vector grips reviews

The knurling on these grips gives them enough texture to give me a good grip.

It’s not very aggressive but just enough to prevent the handles from slipping off my hands when using heavy resistance bands.

Thick Handle

I prefer thicker handles for my gym equipment but if you don’t, Vector Athletics does have thinner 42mm diameter handles.

These handles are about as thick as my knock off Fat Gripz so they’ll work my forearms more.

Beveled / Round Edges

vector athletics grips

I like how the edges are designed to protect the bands from rubbing against a sharp edge.

The inner rim of the handles is beveled and the outside is round.

I don’t see the beveled edge damaging my bands but I think it’d be better if both edges were round.

Handles for Resistance Bands

Thick Resistance Bands

vector grips review

The gap on the Vector grips are wide enough that I can use them with thick resistance bands.

This is really where I see these handles being more useful since the bands become uncomfortable under heavy resistance.

Thin Resistance Bands

handles for resistance bands

And of course, they can be used with thinner resistance bands as well.

For lighter bands I just use my hands since I use these more for warm ups.

Exercising With Vector Athletics Grips

For lat pulldowns, I throw bands over my pull up bar.

resistance band lat pulldowns

Grab the resistance band handles with the gap facing down and pull down.

The good thing about resistance bands is that they can be stepped on or anchored to just about anything.

resistance band shrugs

Here I’m doing shoulder shrugs.

Make sure the handle gap is always facing the opposite direction of the bands.

resistance band bicep curls

Here are some bicep curls.

For horizontal exercises I just wrap the resistance bands around my weight rack.

resistance band rows

Here my make shift seated rows set up.

Here’s a cable crossover set up with Stroops resistance bands that have an outer cover.

These bands are actually thicker than the gap on the handles but I can still squeeze them through.

cable crossovers

One more thing I like about Vector Grips is that they create space between the bands and my arms.

This feels more comfortable than having bands consistently rubbing against my forearms and pulling on my hairs.

Vector Grips Alternatives

trx bandit kit

One alternative to Vector Grips is the TRX bandit handles.

These resistance band handles are made of plastic so the band gap closes a bit when using heavy bands.

Some users have reported this can pinch their hands at times.

Vector Grips Pros & Cons

vector grips resistance band handles


  • Secure grip: Knurling prevents slipping
  • Durable: Made of sturdy aluminum for longevity
  • Band compatibility: Works with thin and thick resistance bands
  • Reduces band discomfort: Prevents band discomfort, irritation, and pulling on my arm hairs by increasing space between them
  • Available in two sizes: I have the 46mm diameter version but they do have a 42mm diameter version for people who prefer thinner handles


  • Edges: If I’m being picky, I’d prefer if the inner beveled edges were round like the outside edges

Vector Athletics Grips Price & Discount Code

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A pair of Vector Grips retails for $39.99 regardless of the diameter you get (42mm or 46mm).

But I’ll hook you up with my exclusive discount code that’ll take 20% their price (and everything else off the Vector Athletics website).

Click the red button below to reveal the coupon code.

Conclusion: Should You Buy Vector Grips?

vector grips reviews

If you like to workout with heavy resistance bands, Vector Grips are a good accessory to add to your workouts.

They make workouts more comfortable on my hands and have enough knurling to give me a secure grip.

They’re durable and a small investment that will make your band workouts more enjoyable.

Click Here to Check Out Vector Grips

Vector Athletics Grips






Band compatibility




Multiple sizes


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