Wilks Calculator

The Wilks calculator calculates your Wilks score based on your gender, bodyweight, and total weight lifted in the big 3 powerlifting exercises.

Also known as the Wilks Coefficient, the Wilks score was created for powerlifters to compare their strength regardless of their gender and weight.

Powerlifters on the lighter side usually have higher relative strength while heavier lifters have higher absolute strength.

So the Wilks score was formulated to create an even playing field between lifters in different weight classes.

Calculate Your Wilks Score

Wilks Calculator

Wilks Calculator

How To Use The Wilks Calculator

The Wilks calculator above is easy to use.

Select your gender, then choose whether the numbers you enter are in kilos (kg) or pounds (lbs).

Enter you bodyweight and the total weight lifted in the big 3 (bench press, squat, and deadlift).

Hit "Calculate Wilks Score" and you're done!

EXPLORE MORE: 1 Rep Max Bench Calculator

What's a Good Wilks Score?

Wilks ScoreClassification
350 - 400National
550+World Class

After you use the Wilks calculator, how do you know what's a good Wilks score?

Use the table above to see what classification you fall under.

Wilks Formula

wilks calculator formula coefficient
Wilks Formula

My calculator above makes it super easy to know your Wilks score but just in case you're curious about the formula, there it is above...

It's the same formula for both men and women but the coefficients (the numbers the letters represent) are different between genders.

Breaking Down Wilks Formula

I'll give you a break down of each letter used in the formula.

  • W = Total weight lifted in kgs (sum of the big 3)
  • x = Lifter's bodyweight

Wilks Coefficients For Men

  • a = −216.0475144
  • b = 16.2606339
  • c = −0.002388645
  • d = −0.00113732
  • e = 7.01863×10−6
  • f = −1.291×10−8

Wilks Coefficients For Women

  • a = 594.31747775582
  • b = −27.23842536447
  • c = 0.82112226871
  • d = −0.00930733913
  • e = 4.731582×10−5
  • f = −9.054×10−8

Just Use The Wilks Calculator

If you want to sit down and manually figure out your Wilks score, more power to you.

But if you prefer to figure out your score the easy way, feel free to use the free Wilks calculator as many times as you want.