crossover symmetry shoulder package review

Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package Review

I’ve heard great things about the Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package.

And like many people, I lack shoulder stability and rotator cuff muscle strength.

Used and sworn by many pro baseball players and Crossfit athletes, I decided to pick up the Pro package and put my shoulders to the test.

Let’s check it out!


crossover symmetry shoulder package review

First thing you see when you open the box is an exercise chart and a training guide.

The chart makes is an easy guide you can hang from a door, pull up bar, or fence.

I’ll break down how the chart works later in this post.

When you fully open the box you’ll see 5 different colored resistance bands (Pro Package), a chart clip, two carabiners, and weight rack straps.

You can select which attachment system you want based on where you’ll be using the bands.

Other attachment options are wall anchors and door belts.

crossover symmetry shoulder package

The Crossover Symmetry Pro Shoulder Package comes with 5 sets of bands in 3 lbs, 7 lbs, 10 lbs, 15 lbs, and 25 lbs resistance.

Exercise Chart

crossover symmetry shoulder package chart

The Crossover Symmetry exercise chart is broken down into different columns starting from left to right:

You’ll be able to quickly see the placement of the bands, exercises, resistance level, program, and reps per exercise.

I’ll show how to read the exercise chart later on.

Crossover Symmetry Bands

crossover symmetry bands

Crossover Symmetry bands are some of the most high quality resistance bands I’ve ever used.

They’re covered in a nylon sleeve that protects the band and the user in case it breaks.

These bands were originally created by Stroops Fitness.

Each package comes with a heavy and light set of bands.

The heavy bands are used for the larger scapula muscles and the light ones for the rotator cuff muscles.

Resistance Band Packages

There’s 3 resistance band packages for different levels of strength.


The Novice bands (3 lbs and 10 lbs) are recommended for ages 8 – 13, exercise newbies, or those rehabbing a shoulder injury.

crossover symmetry shoulder package

Each band shows you the resistance level at each end.

RELATED: Bells Of Steel Shoulder Boulder


crossover symmetry bands

The Athletic bands (7 lbs and 15 lbs) are recommended for most adults and high school athletes.


crossover symmetry review

The Elite bands (10 lbs and 25 lbs) are recommended for athletes with very strong shoulders.

Attachment Options

Rack Straps

crossovery symmetry rack straps

You have the option to anchor down your bands in several ways.

I picked the rack straps that you see above.

Wrap them around the weight rack posts, two at eye level, the other two at knee level.

Then clip the bands’ carabiner to the D-ring and you’re ready to go.

Wall Anchors

crossover symmetry wall anchors

If you choose to go with the wall anchors, these mount to a wall to create a multifunctional exercise station.

Each anchor is rated at over 500 lbs and will easily fit all six Crossover Symmetry cord resistances.

You get 4 anchors and the installation hardware is included.

Door Belts

crossover symmetry door belts

The Crossover Symmetry door belts transform any door into a workout station, without permanent mounting equipment or hardware.

They’re sold in pairs and will fit both commercial or residential doors.

Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package Programs

crossover symmetry shoulder activation program

Activation (8 reps, 4 minutes)

  • Do this DAILY
  • Improves posture and reduces the risk of shoulder impingement by activating scapular stabilizers.
  • Enhances firing power and timing of the rotator cuff and scapular muscles.
  • Increases blood flow to prepare the muscles for activity.

Activation+ (8 reps: 4 Activation + 4 plyos), 5 minutes

crossover symmetry shoulder activation+ program
  • Can be done daily and alternated with Activation depending on how you feel
  • Starts with the Activation program to prime the muscles (4 reps)
  • Finishes with 4 plyometric reps to improve speed and timing under load
  • Targets both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers

Recovery (10 reps with 6 sec negative), 5 minutes

crossover symmetry shoulder recovery
  • Improves tendon health
  • Increases blood flow
  • Helps to lengthen tight muscles

Iron Scap Strength Program (10 reps) 6 minutes

crossover symmetry iron scap strength
  • Do this 3 times a week
  • High intensity scapular strengthening
  • Targets scapula muscles necessary for overhead movements

Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Exercises Chart

In this section I’ll show you how to read the shoulders exercise chart.

Before using the chart, make sure you watch the instruction videos inside the program that explain the exercises in detail.

This chart just makes for a quick guide once you understand the exercises.

You read the chart from left to right, then top to bottom.

All the way to the left, you can see the level of the bands: Eye level or knee level.

Start with all the exercises at eye level, then move the bands down to knee level.

The next column shows the exercise names.

Next column shows which resistance level you should be using for that exercise.

Right next to that you’ll see a caricature of what the exercise looks like with a short description.

And to the right of the drawings you have the number of reps for that exercise.

The chart makes for a good cheat sheet and makes it easier than having to go back into the videos.

You just want to make sure you watch the videos the first time so you get the hang of them.

READ NEXT: Sauna Box For Recovery and Relaxation

What I Like

User friendly – easy to follow videos and exercise chart

Heavy duty – they didn’t cheap out on the bands and anchors, they’re solid

Scalable – you can start off with Novice bands and later upgrade to the next two levels (Athletic and Elite)

Portable – with different anchor options, bands can be attached to anything (weight rack, fences, doors, trees, etc)

Time friendly – programs take less than 10 mins a day to do

Results – when done consistently, the program delivers on its promise

What I Don’t Like

Expensive – yes, this product/program is not cheap but it does deliver on bullet-proofing your shoulders when done consistently

Where To Buy

You can buy the Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package from a few places.

Rogue Fitness and Amazon are the most common places where people grab the program.

Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package Review

After using Crossover Symmetry for a monthly consistently, I can say it’s the real deal.

You can really feel your shoulder and rotator cuff muscles working when you do the exercises.

Your shoulders feel stronger, your range of motion improves, and pain decreases.

And the best part is that you can do the exercises in 10 minutes or less.

Check Out Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package Here

Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package


Heavy duty




User friendly






6 thoughts on “Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Package Review”

    1. Yeah definitely. If you’re looking for some similar to the ones sold by Crossover Symmetry but at a cheaper price, check these out and use coupon code SHREDDED for a 20% discount.

      If you already own some bands then just use what you have.

  1. Thanks for the review. The link in your response to “check these out” isn’t working, would you mind providing it? I did look at Stroops web page but wasn’t 100% sure which model bands to get. Thanks for the help.

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