dmoose fitness collars review

DMoose Fitness Barbell Collars Review

I got DMoose Fitness barbell collars cause my old spring clips weren’t working anymore.

Yeah, I had the old type of barbell clips that you squeezed to slide into the barbell.

They did a good job with slow lifts but they kept sliding down the barbell when I did Olympic lifts like power cleans.

So it was time for an upgrade…


dmoose fitness barbell collars

The barbell collars are hexagonal in shape and are made of plastic with rubber on the inside.

There’s two hinges right across from each other that allow the clamps to loosen and tighten.

There’s a small handle on one of the hinges that locks and unlocks the clamps.

You lift the handle up to unlock and slide them in and out of the barbell.

To lock them in place you push the handle down until it clicks.

On the inside you can see there’s rubber to grip around the barbell.

dmoose fitness barbell collar

There’s another piece of rubber right across the one you see above so it grips the barbell from top and bottom.

Each side of the barbell collars has two screws that keep the rubber pieces in place.

Barbell Collars Benefits

The main function of the barbell clamps is to keep weight plates tightly on the barbell sleeve.

This is gonna prevent the plates from rattling or shifting during your lifts.

When the plates are held tightly on the barbell this gives you more stability.

DMoose Barbell Collar Sizes

DMoose Fitness sells barbell collars in two sizes.

They sell one for the 2″ olympic barbells and for 1″ standard barbells.

Here I tested them with my Olympic competition bumper plates.

They keep the plates nice and snug on the barbell sleeve.

dmoose fitness barbell clips

I also tried the barbell clamps with my Plate Snacks iron plates.

And again, they held the weight plates in place without any issues.

EXPLORE MORE: XMaster Fitness Barbell Clamps

Locking Mechanism

dmoose fitness barbell collars

Using the barbell collars is not rocket science.

Lift the handle up to make the inside diameter of the collars bigger.

Slide the collar into the barbell until it pins the weight plate down.

Push the handle down until it clicks.

DMoose Barbell Collars Alternative

Spring Back Clamps


Spring Back Clamps are spring loaded collars that absorb the shock when barbells are dropped.

A combination of the springs absorbing the impact and their clamping mechanism helps to keep the clamps securely on bars.

Where To Buy DMoose Barbell Collars

You can only buy DMoose barbell collars in two places.

They sell them on Amazon and their official website.

If you buy through their website, you can use coupon code SHREDDED for a 10% discount.

DMoose Fitness Barbell Collars Review

The DMoose Fitness barbell collars feel secure when they’re locked in place.

The plastic material feels tough and the rubber insides grip around the barbell tightly.

They keep weight plates on the barbell so everything feels stable.

Check Out DMoose Barbell Collars

DMoose Fitness Barbell Collars






Ease of use


Multiple sizes




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