kinobody bodyweight mastery program workout routine

Kinobody Bodyweight Mastery Workout

Kinobody Bodyweight Mastery Workout

In this video I’m going to show you 3 exercises from the Kinobody Bodyweight Mastery Program.

When you think bodyweight exercises, don’t automatically assume that it’s gonna be a walk in the park.

On the contrary, calisthenics are very challenging and they will make you incredibly strong.

Just look at gymnasts, they train mostly using bodyweight exercises and they are chiseled!

The Workout

The workout is just a short preview of what’s inside the Kinobody Bodyweight Mastery Program.

You’ll see me doing:

  • One handed assisted chin ups
  • Handstand pushups
  • Pistol squats

Bodyweight Training Is Underrated

  • If you’re a master of your own bodyweight, you’re powerful and capable. You have complete control over your body, and you’re able to perform physical feats that very few people ever come close to being able to do. (If you care about being athletic and functional, bodyweight training is a must)
  • You can workout wherever and whenever you want! This means absolute freedom and liberation… Nothing ever has to get in the way of your fitness journey with bodyweight training… Time is no longer an issue, not being able to go to the gym is no longer an issue, traveling is no longer an issue.
  • Bodyweight training looks freaking cool! There’s a reason why Hollywood utilizes bodyweight workout scenes to showcase a character as being fit and powerful.
  • Bodyweight training supports the perfect lean, muscular and proportionate physique. To become a bodyweight master, you must have a very low body fat and incredible muscle development.. This is the recipe for a jaw-dropping physique

Benefits of Bodyweight Training

There are inherent benefits that bodyweight training provides that NO other training protocol offers…

  • Bodyweight training supports a super lean physique. To become a bodyweight master, your body fat levels must be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • Bodyweight training supports incredible strength gain. This is simply due to the nature of bodyweight training. Your hands remain fixed, which allows for better joint stability and enhanced muscle fiber recruitment.
  • Bodyweight training develops incredible core strength. To perform the advanced bodyweight exercises you must have an extremely powerful and muscular core.
  • Bodyweight training keeps your body limber and injury free. No more stiff joints.. With bodyweight training your body will be more functional and healthy than ever before
  • Bodyweight training is simply beautiful… Muscle ups, handstand push-ups, L-sits.. It simply looks incredible.

Kinobody Bodyweight Mastery Program

kinobody bodyweight mastery program

The Bodyweight Mastery Program is a revolutionary new 8-phase bodyweight-based workout program designed around achieving the lean, muscular Hollywood “GQ” physique…

There are eight phases you to systematically work through, each preparing you for the next level – which are the more advanced bodyweight movements.

This program will help you build a square chest, well-developed shoulders, wide back, slim waist, chiseled abs and lean and defined, non-bulky legs…

In short, the perfect aesthetic, lean, and chiseled physique.

Click the orange button below to learn more about the program.

kinobody bodyweight mastery program

Bodyweight Mastery Program


Ease of use








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