kinobody cardio workout routine kinobody results

Kinobody Cardio Workout Routine

Kinobody Cardio Workout Routine

I’m currently following the Kinobody Warrior Shredding program and for cardio you have several options.

You can do walking, walking on a treadmill at an incline, or you can be more aggressive and do hill sprints.

You’ll find this inside the Kinobody Warrior Shredding Program under the “Optional Saturday Cardio Workout”.

I like to challenge myself so I usually go for the high intensity workouts. I feel this aggressive approach accelerates my fat loss and keeps burning calories way after the workout is finished.

In this cardio workout I do 5 rounds of 2 intervals:

100 jump ropes (rest 20 seconds) then jump on the battle ropes and go at it 15 – 20 seconds. Then I repeat the intervals for 5 rounds.

I only do this once a week to help me maintain a good level of conditioning but I don’t do it more than 2 times a week because it can hinder my recovery from the heavy weight lifting workouts.

Kinobody Cardio Options

Greg talks about doing walking as the main form of cardio and the reason for this is so that you don’t get too hungry and consume too many calories afterwards.

I keep track of my calories when I exercise and eat so as long as I track everything, I opt for the high intensity cardio.

That’s just my choice. You can still get results from walking, just make sure your training and nutrition are on point.

Cardio, Abs, & Mobility

kinobody cardio abs mobility program

Greg also has a Cardio Abs Mobility program that you can use on your off days to get extra lean and it will not affect your recovery.

The program covers cardio such as jump roping, ab exercises, and mobility to decrease stiffness in your body.

You can read my short review here where I also show you a secret $30 coupon code so you can get it real cheap.

Treadmill Intervals

Greg recommends doing intervals of walking for 2 minutes at an incline and jogging at different speeds for 1 minute. You’d do this for about 30 minutes.

I personally find treadmills boring so I opt not to do this.

RELATED: Free Online Interval Timer

Hill Sprints

Hill sprints are one of my favorite ways to do cardio because they’re challenging and you don’t need many reps to get your ass kicked.

I usually do about 2 sprints at a moderate speed to warm up and then do 8 – 10 at 85-90 percent effort.

This gets your heart rate up quick, gets you breathing hard, and hits all your posterior chain muscles.

Of course, you also get the benefits of fat loss with sprinting.

So that’s my take on doing cardio while following the Kinobody training programs.

Combining high intensity cardio with Kinobody and intermittent fasting has allowed me to maintain a ripped physique year round even at 40.

kinbody results
Kinobody results

If you want to learn more about other Kinobody programs you can visit my reviews page here.

If you want to learn which Kinobody program is right for you, take the 1 minute Kinobody physique quiz and you’ll get a $20 discount when you get to the end.

Or simply click the big orange button below to take the Physique Quiz now!

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