kinobody diet plan

Kinobody Diet Plan Secret

Kinobody Diet Plan Secret

In this video I reveal a Kinobody diet plan secret straight from the Kinobody programs that’s going to help you to lose fat constantly and prevent hitting a plateau.

It has to do with the hormone Leptin.

Leptin is a hormone produced in our fat cells and it’s responsible for controlling your energy, appetite, and metabolism.

When you follow Kinobody diet plans you are on a specific caloric deficit based on your body weight and goals, and this is done on purpose to accelerate fat loss.

As you continue to lose fat, Leptin production will decrease since it’s produced in our fat cells.

Your fat loss will accelerate even more when combined with intermittent fasting.

With a decrease in Leptin you’ll have less energy and a slower metabolism.

Kinobody Secret

In order to increase your metabolism so you can continue to lose weight, Kinobody programs add a Carb Re-feed day once a week.

You’ll pick a day out of the day and increase your calories by 500, more specifically in carbohydrates.

This will help to increase your Leptin levels which will boost your metabolism and energy so you can continue to burn fat and don’t hit a plateau.

Once a week, I also like to add high intensity interval training Kinobody cardio to my workouts to accelerate my fat loss and help you burn calories even after you’re done working out.

When it comes to fat loss, there’s no doubt that your diet is the most important aspect.

If you don’t learn the concepts of being in a caloric deficit, knowing the correct macronutrients for your goals, and intermittent fasting, you can workout for days but you won’t get lean and ripped.

RELATED: Creatine calculator

Kinobody Intermittent Fasting

If you want to learn more Kinobody diet secrets take the Kinobody Physique Quiz or click button below to see which program is best for your goals.

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