knees over toes program

Knees Over Toes Program Review

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Knees Over Toes Program (KOT) since it’s blown up online.

Ben Patrick (aka Knees Over Toes Guy) developed the program after going through several knee surgeries.

He created the cheapest system to treat knee problems (and others) with exercises that can be done anywhere.

I’ve been bothered by pain in my right knee so I’ll be sharing my experience with the Knee Ability Zero program.

Everything from the program set up, videos, messaging the coaches, customer service, and results.

What Is The Knees Over Toes Program?

The Knees Over Toes program falls under an umbrella of online coaching programs for the whole body (ATG Programs).

For decades, people have heard that doing motions like squats and lunges are harmful when your knees go past your toes.

So the concept of Knees Over Toes teaches the opposite of that.

Ben Patrick encourages people to move their knees past their toes because it’s what we do in everyday movements.

What to Expect From ATG Training

knees over toes program

The Knees Over Toes program and all ATG programs are delivered through a coaching app.

First I went on the ATG website, entered my payment info, created a log in, and then downloaded the app.

Knee Ability Zero

knees over toes guy program

Once I’m inside the app, the programs are very clearly laid out with exercise video tutorials, reps, and set.

I saw two knee programs: Knee Ability Zero and Knee Ability Pro.

knee ability zero

Knee Ability Zero is Ben Patrick’s foundational program that uses just my bodyweight so I’m starting with that one.

knees over toes program reviews

Once I click on Zero Ability, I get a list exercises to do Mon, Wed, and Friday with the number of sets and reps (or minutes).

I’m showing you the first two exercises but to respect Ben’s work I’ve blurred out the rest of them.


When I click on on the first exercise (backward walk or sled) I’m taken to this screen.

There’s an instructional video showing me how to perform the exercise and timer (if necessary).

Right below the video there’s an option to message a coach and an option to submit a video to have my form critiqued.

atg online coaching

After tapping on the “Message Coach” button and it takes me to this screen.

Here I can message an ATG coach if I have any questions and I also have the ability to submit a video.

I took advantage of this and sent in a video doing Nordics on my Nordic bench since it’s such a hard exercise.

Sent a message on a Saturday at 8:49 am so it’d be interesting to see if I got a reply over the weekend.

Surprisingly I got a response back in less than 30 minutes.

The coach even asked if I had more videos to send so he could keep checking my form.

That’s impressive customer service from ATG online coaching!

This is huge especially for beginners because it makes sure that exercises are done correctly to get better results.

knees over toes program review

Right below the Mon, Wed, Friday exercises there’s another set for Tuesday and Thursday.

These include mobility exercises for the lower body and optional upper body exercises.

knees over toes program reviews

I clicked on the first mobility exercise (calf stretch) and the format is the same as the other exercises.

Explanation video with a timer and the option to message my coach.

Knee Ability Pro

knee ability pro

Once I completed the Knee Ability Zero program, it was time to move on to Knee Ability Pro.

knees over toes program reviews

For Knee Ability Pro I’ll be doing similar exercises but using equipment for increased resistance.

This program is done Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Mondays and Thursday are the Knee Ability portion.

Tuesdays and Fridays are accessory days.

knees over toes program

Here’s a sneak peak from Monday’s session.

As you can see, the first three exercises involve equipment: a weight sled and tib bar.

knees over toes program reviews

When I click on the “Resisted Backward” exercise, I get a video of Ben Patrick demonstrating a couple of ways to do a reverse sled pull.

One of them using a sled as previously shown and another using the backward treadmill.

knees over toes program

Here’s a sneak peek of Tuesday’s accessory session which includes many stretches.

Knees Over Toes Guy Equipment

knees over toes program equipment

Other pieces of equipment used in Knee Ability Pro include:

Here’s a full list of ATG equipment they recommend.

Is the Knees Over Toes Program Safe?

On the app I’m able to see a full library of tutorial videos for every exercise so the knowledge and education is there.

I followed my exercises for the day and if I needed help, I would message my coach or send videos for review.

The exercises are not anything fancy but they stimulate my knee tendons and muscles with the right forces that make it stronger.

With the right programming and the back and forth communication with my coach, I felt like I was doing everything safely.

Is The Knees Over Toes Program For Everyone?

I believe the Knees Over Toes program can be used by mostly anyone.

The Knees Ability Zero program is the easiest of all ATG Programs since the exercises are done with your own bodyweight.

Every ATG exercise can be regressed or progressed depending on your pain level.

And there is no rush to move on to the next phase until you feel less pain.

With the combination of video tutorials and the ATG online coaching, I can see this being ok for most people to try.

Other ATG Programs

Even though Ben Patrick has become known for the Knees Over Toes Program, ATG online coaching offers more than that.

Here’s the list of all the ATG programs inside the app:

  • Knee Ability Zero: Bodyweight lower body program (no equipment needed)
  • Knee Ability Pro: Lower body program that requires equipment
  • Back Ability. Program addresses lower back issues
  • ATG Basics: This is a full body program that includes workouts for the upper and lower body
  • Male Standards
  • Female Standards
  • ATG Pro. Training program to unlock your true athletic potential
  • Physique: 5 programs for muscle growth included in this section
  • Sport: Includes training programs for sports like tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball, running, and more
  • Dunk: Workouts to improve vertical jumping
  • Longevity: Workouts to help you function well even as you age
  • Mobility: Exercises to improve joint and spine mobility
  • Protocols: Strengthen joints while improving range of motion to prevent injuries and exert more forces in your sport

Is The Knees Over Toes Program Worth It?

Considering the positive results I and other people haven gotten using the KOT program, the price of $49.50 a month is a steal.

You get a step-by-step guide with video tutorials of all the exercises.

And you’re in direct contact with a coach if you ever need help.

Plus…the membership covers everything inside the ATG program, not just the knee program.

Keep reading below where I’ll show you how to get a discount on your first month.

ATG Program Discount Code

ATG program knees over toes guy discount coupon code

The Knees Over Toes program and all other ATG programs have a monthly membership fee of $49.50 per month (cancel at any time).

So here’s how to get a $20 discount off your first month.

Click here and use coupon code ATG20 when you sign up.

Knees Over Toes Program Review

Overall, I like how the Knees Over Toes program is laid out.

I signed up, downloaded the app, and selected a program (all programs are available from the get go).

Watched the tutorial videos, did my exercises consistently, and sent in videos to the coaching team.

As far as my right knee pain, it has improved and I’m able to workout without pain so I’m happy with the results I’ve gotten.

I dreaded leg day because my right knee would stop me from finishing the workout but I’m back at it again.

Check Out The Knees Over Toes Program

Knees Over Toes Program






Ease of use






2 thoughts on “Knees Over Toes Program Review”

    1. The gym doesn’t have to be equipped with ATG equipment.

      You can always get creative and work with what you have.

      For example, if you don’t have a slant board for heel elevated squats, you can use a weight plate.

      If you don’t have a sled for reverse sled drags, walk backwards on an incline treadmill.

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