TGrip Barbell Review

When I first got the TGrip barbell I thought it was just a regular neutral grip barbell.

But after using it for a while, I was wrong and this multi grip bar can do a lot of stuff when combined with the right accessories.

You see, I didn’t just get the TGrip bar

I got a whole kit that includes suspension trainers and resistance bands which make the TGrip bar far more versatile than I thought.

Let’s check it out!


tgrip barbell reviews

The TGrip bar came neatly covered in wrapping paper by itself.

tgrip barbell

When I first looked at it, I thought it was just another neutral grip barbell but it can be used for a whole lot more (I’ll show you later).

All those angles you see there can be used as handles too so it’s not a one trick pony.

tgrip barbell review

Here’s a close up of the sleeves.

I prefer chrome sleeves over black ones so that scratches aren’t so visible but that’s just me being picky.

The sleeves are compatible with Olympic weight plates and have a rounded end cap.

Remember I told you I got a kit (TGrip Power Maxx Kit) along with the TGrip bar so this is part of it.

tgrip maxx bar

This is the TGrip Maxx barbell which is a cable machine version of the TGrip bar.

I can hook up a cable machine or resistance bands to the center of the bar.

And this is what both of them look like right next to each other.

I love using cable machines so when I saw the option to get it, I snatched it without hesitation.

And the third box I got as part of the kit brings handles, resistance bands, and suspension trainer straps.

With one of these kits I can cover a ton of exercises in a small amount of space which is great for anyone starting a home gym.


t-grip barbell
  • Weight: 15 lbs
  • Length: 48 inches
  • Sleeve length: 7.5 inches
  • Sleeve diameter: 1.9 inches (Compatible with Olympic weight plates only)
  • Parallel handle spacing: 20 inches
  • Weight capacity: 350 lbs
  • Color: Textured black

What Is a TGrip Barbell?

t grip bar

A TGrip barbell is a specialty bar that’s made with an ergonomic design.

This bar has different angles that put my wrists in joint friendly positions which is something I’ve learned to appreciate as I get older.

Especially right now that I’m dealing with Golfer’s elbow (pain on the inside of the elbow).

Slight wrist position changes make a HUGE difference when it comes to avoiding joint pain.

Multi Grip Bar

There’s 5 different grips on the picture above that let me change hand angles and positions.

That’s what makes the TGrip bar so versatile.

I prefer bars with knurling on them but so far I haven’t had any issues losing my grip.

Even the straight bar in the middle can be used for exercises like uprights rows.

Neutral Grip Barbell

neutral grip barbell

The most obvious grip on the TGrip bar is the neutral grip.

I can do neutral grip curls, bench press, inverted rows (using suspension straps), and neutral grip pushups when I have weight plates on.

EZ Grip Barbell

ez curl barbell

I can also use this as an EZ curl bar with the top innermost grip.

prone grip bicep curls

And when I wanna do reverse grip curls I grab the top outer grip with an overhand grip.

So as you can see, I can do several curl variations to hit my arms in different ways.

Atlas Bar

atlas bar curls

Next grip is similar to using an Atlas bar.

This time I have my hands on the bottom innermost grip and the top part of the bar rests on my forearm.

Using this grip, I don’t have to grip the bar intensely since most of the weight falls on my forearms as I lift the weight.

That allows me to keep my wrists straight and eliminate tension on my forearms and elbows.

I can also use the wide grip in the same Atlas bar set up.

This is the grip I like to when using my preacher curl pad.

I can also use those bottom grips for pushing exercises like skull crushers.

For this set up I like to use bumper plates since they’re diameter is big regardless of the weight.

That way I don’t have to reach back so far when lifting or lower the weight to and from my stall mats.

I’ve shown you different ways to use the TGrip bar with weight plates, now I’ll show you how I use the rest of the TGrip kit.

TGrip Maxx Power Kit

tgrip power maxx kit

The kit I got comes with several suspension straps, carabiners, and handles.

I can use these independently or I can attach them to the TGrip barbell and TGrip Maxx.

I can anchor the suspension trainer straps to doors, the ceiling, or my weight rack.

And it also comes with 4 pairs of resistance bands ranging from 7 lbs to 25 lbs of resistance.

I can use these independently, stack them together, or connect them to either one of the TGrip bars.

TGrip Barbell Exercises

tgrip barbell neutral grip curls

I’ve shown you a few of the curl variations before but there’s more I can do with the TGrip bar.

As a matter of fact, TGrip has a whole library of 300+ exercises that you can check out here.


One of my favorite exercises with the TGrip barbell is the chest supported row because of the narrow grip I can use.

Now I’ll show you TGrip bar exercises using the suspension trainer straps and a cable machine.

Suspension Trainer

The TGrip Maxx Power Kit comes with short anchor straps that I can wrap around the barbell’s sleeves.

I then connect those anchor straps to longer suspension straps that hang from my weight rack’s pull up bar.

From here I can do all sorts of calisthenics exercises like the inverted rows in the pic above.

Or explosive movements like jammer presses which I can also do by using by using the TGrip bar with my Henny attachment.

I can do those with the TGrip bar or with the individual handles that come with the kit.

Here I’m doing a bodyweight version of the overhead triceps extensions.

And if you notice, my wrists are angled so it’s easy on my joints.

Resistance Bands

tgrip barbell resistance bands

I can also anchor resistance bands to the TGrip bar using the short anchor straps.

This is similar to the idea Collar Hooks uses to attach resistance bands to short bars.

I can use the resistance bands alone or add them to weight plates to make exercises harder.

TGrip Maxx Bar

tgrip maxx bar

The TGrip Maxx bar is one that I use often because I love cable exercises.

Here I have my Voltra cable machine hooked up to the ring in the middle of the bar.

And if I flip the bar, there’s a soft loop where I can insert resistance bands to it as well.

tgrip maxx bar reviews

This bar is completely covered in rubber so it’s real easy to grip.

Here I’m doing seated cable rows using a neutral grip but I can also switch my hand position to the other ergonomic grip options.

And here I’m doing neutral grip bicep curls…


This is similar to what I showed on my Arena platform review.

So as you can see, the TGrip Maxx bar can be used across many pieces of home gym equipment.

I set the cable machine up high so I can show you how versatile this bar is.

Here’s my lat pulldown set up…

I have my Infinity Arm holding me down while I pull down with a neutral grip.

Because of my elbow pain I currently can’t do pull ups, so this neutral grip allows me to work my lats while I recover from the injury.

This is me doing tricep extensions using the bottom angled grip on the bar.

And here are some overhead triceps extensions using that same grip.

The versatility between the TGrip barbell, the TGrip Maxx, suspension trainer straps, and bands is why I got the whole kit.

TGrip Shorty Bar

tgrip shorty bar reviews

TGrip also has a similar bar they call the Shorty bar.

It’s the older version of the current TGrip barbell.

It weighs less and has a lower weight capacity than the newest version.

Aside from that, the Shorty bar has the same design and functions the same way.

Pros & Cons

tgrip barbell pros and cons


  • Joint friendly: This is the reason I got this bar to begin with. The ergonomic handles allow me to workout without pain.
  • Multi-grip: With a multi grip bar I can hit muscles from different angles
  • Versatile: With all its angles, this is more than just a neutral grip barbell
  • Build: Has a high weight capacity and a nice textured black finish
  • Resistance types: Works with weight plates, resistance bands, and suspension trainer straps


  • Not rackable: The bar doesn’t have a shaft so there’s no way to rack it unless I set it on the sleeves
  • Sleeves: I prefer chrome sleeves to reduce scratches

TGrip Barbell Discount

tgrip barbell discount code coupon

The original TGrip bar retails for $299 but they currently have a $100 discount.

tgrip barbell discount code coupon

On top of that, use coupon code SHREDDED for FREE shipping.

Click here to check out their latest price.

TGrip Barbell Review

tgrip barbell reviews

I like the TGrip barbell and everything it does for my joints.

The ergonomic handles allow me to workout pain free and from different angles.

Adding suspension straps and resistance bands to it adds even more versatility to my workouts without sacrificing garage gym space.

Click Here To Check Out The TGrip Barbell

TGrip Barbell






Joint friendly






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