getrxd rackable ez curl bar review

GetRxd Rackable EZ Curl Bar Review

I’m loving the GetRxd rackable EZ curl bar.

So much so that I’m surprised I didn’t get one sooner.

It is so much easier and convenient to workout with than a regular short curl bar.

And what’s surprising, is that rackable curl bars are not that much higher in price than the short ones.

Let’s check it out!


The rackable curl bar came in a cardboard tube with both ends of the tube taped.

After removing the tape, there’s plastic end caps at both ends.

These were easy to remove since they’re not stapled to the cardboard tube.

Once I slid the curl bar out of the tube, it is wrapped in plastic.

Time to unwrap it…

GetRxd Rackable EZ Curl Bar

getrxd rackable ez curl bar reviews

First impression is that this is love at first sight.

Love the chrome look throughout the whole 74″ long bar.

getrxd rackable ez curl bar

Here’s a look at the shaft.

I’ll be showing you all the specs later on but the shaft is 51″ long.

And a closer look shows the four knurled areas.

Two spots in the middle and two on the cambered area.

Here’s what one side of the center shaft looks like.

I really like the thick shaft on this bar.

Most rackable curl bars are 28 mm in diameter, Get Rxd’s is 30 mm and the thicker shaft feels great.

And a real close up of the knurling which is mild.

I personally prefer more of a medium knurl but this still feels good.

Here’s the 10.25″ long sleeve.

The hard chrome looks beautiful.

And here’s the end cap with the Get Rx’d logo on it.

This is what the inner part of the sleeve looks like.

The bar uses a hybrid of 4 needle bearings and 2 bushings to make the sleeves spin.


getrxd rackable ez curl bar reviews
  • Weight: 35 LBS
  • Weight Tolerance: +/- 2%
  • Total Length: 74″
  • Shaft Length: 51″
  • Shaft Diameter: 30mm
  • Loadable Sleeve Length: 10.25″
  • Knurling: Full, non-aggressive
  • Bearings/Bushings: 4 Needle Bearings/ 2 Bushings
  • Coating: Hard Chrome

Rackable Curl Bar vs Regular Curl Bar

Rackable curl bar vs regular curl bar

Rackable curl bar vs Regular curl bar 

I’ve reviewed the regular IFAST Fitness EZ curl bar before so I’ll be comparing GetRxd’s rackable bar to that one.

getrxd rackable ez curl bar

Aside from the obvious length difference (60″ vs 74″), I like the thicker shaft on the GetRxd bar.

It’s 30mm thick vs 25.4 mm and that extra thickness feels better when gripping the bar.

The Get Rx’d curl bar also has close grip knurling which is helpful when doing close grip bench press or skull crushers.

rackable ez curl bar vs regular curl bar

I do like how IFAST’s preacher curl has a longer knurling than Get Rxd’s, but GetRxd’s knurl still covers most of my palm.

Price wise, the IFAST Fitness EZ curl bar sells for $90 vs $125 for the GetRxd rackable.

So the difference is not much at all so it makes sense to go rackable.

Rackable Curl Bar Advantages Over a Regular Curl Bar

get rxd rackable curl bar

Most obvious reason why a rackable EZ curl bar is better than a regular curl bar is because I can throw it on my J-cups.

This way I don’t have to load it from the floor or trying to balance it on a bench.

get rxd rackable ez curl bar

And just like a barbell, I can load one up side and not worry about it tipping over.

I threw bumper plates (105 lbs) on one side of the bar and it didn’t move.

getrxd rackable ez curl bar review

I can also put the curl bar on spotter arms.

This is great for exercises like skull crushers where I can just slide a bench in between them.

I hate the whole set up for skull crushers when using a regular curl bar.

Gotta carry the loaded bar to the bench, lie down, and then place it over my head.

A rackable bar is so much easier to work with.

Weight Plate Compatibility

prosourcefit competition bumper plates

As you probably guessed from my previous pics, the GetRxd rackable curl bar is compatible with Olympic sized plates.

I use my competition bumper plates.

weight it out weight plates

Or my iron weight plates.

As long as the center hole is 2″, it will work.

Exercising With A Rackable EZ Curl Bar

getrxd rackable ez curl bar review

EZ curl bars are for more than just bicep curls.

Below I’ll show you a few exercises I like to do with it.

Skull Crushers

get rxd rackable curl bar

Here’s how I set up for skull crushers.

Slide my ben in the middle and I’m good to go.

For skull crushers I like to use the inner knurling.

This keeps my elbows close to my body.

get rxd rackable ez curl bar

Here’s what it looks like when I’m doing the exercise.

When I’m done I can let go of bar and let it sit on the spotter arms.

Preacher Curls


When it comes to preacher curls, the GetRxd rackable EZ curl bar makes thing way easier.

I use the AbMat preacher pad instead of having a dedicated preacher curl bench.

The preacher pad works great but with a regular EZ curl bar I have to pick it up from the floor to start the exercise.

getrxd rackable ez curl bar review

Being able to rack the EZ curl bar makes it way easier.

For this set up, I set my J-cups or spotter arms low on the PRx Performance weight rack.

Load the curl bar and set my bench perpendicular to the rack.

Then set the preacher pad on my thighs and get to work.

Bicep Curls

getrxd rackable ez curl bar reviews

Yup, curls in the rack. Why not?

For bicep curls and preacher curls I like to use the wide grip like you see above.

Close Grip Bench Press


I find that close grip barbell bench presses hurt my wrists.

Using the rackable EZ curl bar takes away that discomfort so I can workout without pain.

getrxd rackable curl bar review

Here’s what that looks like.

I can do these in between J-cups or spotter arms.

Overhead Tricep Extensions


For overhead tricep extensions, I go with the close grip.

Reverse Bicep Curls

get rx'd rackable ez curl bar

And for reverse curls I head back to the wide grip.

So as you can see, I can do a lot with a curl bar and being able to rack it makes it convenient.

GetRxd vs Other Rackable Curl Bars

GetRxd$12530 mm51″10.25″Hard ChromeMild
Rogue Fitness$30528.5 mm51.8″10.5″Cerakote (Shaft)
Bright Zinc (Sleeves)
Titan Fitness$12028 mm49.25″9.25″ChromeMedium
Rep Fitness$20030 mm51″10″Hard ChromeMedium
Bells of Steel$20028 mm55″9.8″Cerakote (Shaft)
Titanium Plated (Sleeves)

I compiled a bunch of specs from popular fitness brands that sell rackable curl bars.

This way you don’t have to go through the trouble of searching for them.

And as you can see, Get Rxd is right up there with the big boys as far as specs go and does so at one of the most affordable prices.

If you still want to learn more about each bar, just click the links under the brand column.

Pros & Cons

getrxd rackable ez curl bar reviews

What I Like

  • Loading/Unloading: Much easier to load and unload weight plates than a regular EZ curl bar
  • Convenience: Rackable bar makes starting and finishing exercises more convenient
  • Joint friendly: Cambered shaft is easier on the wrists than a regular barbell
  • Versatile: I can use this for several exercises, not just bicep curls
  • Thick shaft diameter: I like the thick 30mm shaft diameter

What I Would Improve

  • Knurling: Only thing I would improve on is adding medium knurling

GetRxd Discount Code

I haven’t been able to get a GetRxd discount code but you bet your ass I’m working on it.

Only thing I’ve found is a promotions page they have with several discount options.

If I’m able to get a coupon code, I’ll come back and update this section.

Is A Rackable Curl Bar Worth It?

getr xd rackable ez curl bar

Even if I had a preacher curl bench I would say yes it’s worth it.

A rackable curl bar is only round $50 more than a regular curl bar so it’s not a huge difference and way more convenient.

GetRxd Rackable EZ Curl Bar Review

getrxd rackable ez curl bar review

Now that I own a rackable curl bar, I’m never going back.

The GetRxd rackable EZ curl bar’s shaft is thick, easier to load and unload, and more convenient when starting and finishing exercises.

And surprisingly it doesn’t cost much more than a regular curl bar.

If you’re on the fence, I say jump over it and pick one up.

Check Out The GetRxd Rackable EZ Curl Bar

GetRxd Rackable EZ Curl Bar


Easy loading/unloading




Joint friendly




Thick shaft diameter


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