Home Gym Hacks

Who doesn’t love home gym hacks?

I know I’m always getting creative and looking for ways to make more use of the equipment I already own.

This not only helps your pocket but also keeps you from adding more equipment to your space limited garage gym.

Below you’ll find some of the best gym hacks I’ve come up with and others I’ve found around the internet.

This page will be updated often as more hacks are found.

If you have any hacks you want me to add, please send me a DM on Instagram (@dadshredded).

Rever Hyper Alternative

Materials used for this home gym hack

Rather get the real product?

gym hacks

If you’d rather skip this hack and get a real reverse hyper machine, click here for FREE shipping.

Lower Back Hyperextension

Materials Used for This Home Gym Hack

This hack was featured on the PRx performance website.

Rather get the real product?

If you’d rather skip this lower back hyperextension hack and get the real product, here are several options:

Belt Squat Machine

In the video above, I show a belt squat hack using a combination of the Freak Athlete Hyper Pro and the Beyond Power Voltra cable machine connected with a climbing pulley.

Rather skip this hack and get a real belt squat machine?

➡️. Rogue Fitness Belt Squat

➡️. Titan Fitness Belt Squat

➡️. Bells of Steel Belt Squat

➡️ Titan Squat Max MD

Grip Machine

For this home gym hack, I’m using a few piece of equipment I already own to recreate a plate loaded grip machine.

I’ll also show you a second option using dumbbells.

Equipment used for this gym hack

  • Barbell: Set the barbell on J-Cups at a height below waist level, this helps to rest your thumbs
  • Loading pin: The loading pill holds the weight plates, load it up as much as you want
  • Weight plates: Any weight plate or bumper plates compatible with your loading pin will work

Rather get a real grip machine?

titan fitness grip machine

If you’d rather skip this gym hack and get a real grip machine, click here for the one I recommend.

Check out these other grip strengtheners: Gripzilla Dynamo and Gripzilla Tornado

Convert Rower to SkiErg

Materials used for this home gym hack

Another version of this Skierg alternative involves using the Voltra I cable machine.

Rather get the real product?

If you’d rather skip this hack and get a real SkiErg click here for FREE shipping.

Retractable Gymnastic Ring Straps

Materials used for this home gym hack

Seal Row Bench Alternative

Materials used for this home gym hack

Rather get the real product?

gym hacks

If you’d rather skip this hack and get a real seal row bench click here for FREE shipping.

Wall Mounted Weight Plate Pegs

Materials used for this home gym hack

Increase floor space by adding tons of stuff to the walls with these pegs.

DIY Sissy Squat Machine (Leg Extension Alternative)

Materials used for this home gym hack

Rather get a real sissy squat machine?

If you rather skip this DIY and get a real sissy squat machine, check out these options:

Homemade Landmine Hack

Materials used for this home gym hack

Rather get the real product?

If you’d rather skip this hack and get a real landmine attachment click here for FREE shipping.

Wall Mounted Vertical Barbell Holder

Materials used for this home gym hack

Rather get the real product?

Earthquake Bar Alternative

Materials used for this home gym hack

Rather get the real product?

Bandbell Earthquake Bar

Submit Your Gym Hacks

Have any gym hacks you want to share?

Home gym owners can get very creative and become resourceful when space and money are tight.

Send us a link to gym hacks you think are worthy and we’ll add them to this page for everyone else to try.

You can either send it through our contact form or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@dadshredded).