ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball Review

The ProsourceFit medicine slam ball is an exercise ball that’s meant to be punished.

Like the name suggests, it’s made to be slammed and take a beating so it’s durable.

It’s built with a thick rubber shell and comes pre-filled with sand so I can start using right away without making trips to Home Depot.

Let’s check it out!


prosourcefit medicine slam ball reviews
  • Weight: 50 lbs (also available in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 lbs)
  • Diameter: 12 inches
  • Material: Thick outer PVC shell, inside filled with sand
  • Warranty: 2 years

What Is The ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball?

what is the prosourcefit medicine slam ball reviews 1

The ProsourceFit medicine slam ball is an exercise ball filled with sand and made with a thick rubber shell.

It’s made for explosive exercises where I’m using my entire body to generate as much power as possible and slam it on the floor or against a wall.

This one is different than a regular medicine ball in that it doesn’t bounce at all since it’s filled with sand.

Top Benefits Of The ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball


The slam ball is made with a thick rubber outer shell that doesn’t have any seams.

This lack of seams makes it almost impossible for it to tear from slams which is different from stitched medicine balls with seams.

When I slam it, the sand inside absorbs the impact so there’s no bounce to it.

Since the ball is heavy, I can still use it as a medicine ball.


Aside from slamming, I like to use it for over the shoulder tosses, overhead tosses, and weight training exercises like squats and lunges.

But many slam balls are not filled with sand to the max to allow for some give when they are slammed.

This makes them a bit unstable for some exercises but for the most part, they can be used just like a medicine ball.

Best Features Of The ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball

Rubber Shell

The rubber shell is what makes slam balls heavy duty.

It has several circular ridges at the top, middle, and bottom of the ball and those are helpful to grip the ball.

These ridges come in handy with heavier balls and when doing high rep workouts where my hands get sweaty.

ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball Pros & Cons

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  • Durable: Medicine slam balls have a thick rubber shell made to withstand high impact
  • Versatile: I can use it for more than just slams (ex: over the head tosses, lunges, squats, Russian twists, etc)
  • Explosiveness: Because a slam ball is heavy, I can use it to train power and explosiveness
  • Conditioning: Since I’m using my whole body, it gets my heart rate going and gives me one hell of a conditioning workout
  • No bounce: I can slam it in front of me forcefully without it bouncing up to my face


  • Unstable: Slam balls are not fully filled so the sand shifts around making them unstable for some exercises

ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball Price

medicine slam ball price

The 50 lbs medicine slam ball I have sells for $79.99.

It is a bit less expensive than other brands that sell a similar slam balls.

Keep reading and I’ll show you how to bring that price down even more..

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Here’s how you can score a 10% discount plus FREE shipping.

Just click the red button below to reveal an exclusive discount code and enter that code at checkout.

ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball Alternatives

Rogue Echo Slam Ball

rogue echo slam ball

The Rogue Echo Slam Ball and other slam balls look very similar.

Rogue’s version has a red rubberized outer shell and is filled with sand.

Weight ranges from 10 to 50 lbs.

Rep Fitness Slam Ball

rep fitness slam ball

Rep Fitness slam balls are made in 12 different sizes ranging from 5 to 70 lbs.

These have a warranty of 1 year for home use.

Titan Fitness Slam Ball

titan slam ball reviews

The Titan Fitness slam ball is almost identical to ProsourceFit’s.

It has the same outer shell with ridges and textured grip.

It’s available in weight ranges from 5 to 60 lbs.

AbMat Medicine Slam Ball


The AbMat medicine ball is one of a kind that comes in 10, 14, and 20 lbs sizes.

Made out of closed cell foam, it’s nearly indestructible (AbMat has tried to set it on fire, blow it up, shoot it, and it still holds up).

What’s special about this ball, is that it works as a medicine ball but also a slam ball.

But pay attention when you slam it close to your face because it does bounce back.

My Experience Using The ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball

I mainly use the slam ball for overhead slams, overhead tosses, and high rep leg exercises.

I’ve found them useful when I do explosive exercises while getting a conditioning workout at the same time since they get me winded.

Regardless of how much power I put into my slams and throws, they are tough and don’t rip like soft medicine balls do.


Medicine Slam Ball FAQ’s

What Muscles Does The Medicine Slam Ball Work?

Depending on how I use slam balls, they can give me one hell of a workout.

This is especially true when training for power and explosiveness since I’m using my entire body to toss the ball as hard as possible.

What’s The Difference Between a Medicine Ball vs Slam Ball?

Slam balls are heavy, made with a thick outer shell, and filled with sand.

They’re meant for high impact so they don’t bounce back and don’t have seams that can rip.

Medicine balls usually have stitching and made out of soft outer shells that can tear over time.

What Are Some Medicine Slam Ball Exercises?

I like to use slam balls for slams but also find myself using them for high rep leg exercises.

After I lift weights, I go for squats and lunges until failure while holding on to the slam ball.

Is The ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball Worth It?

If your workouts include medicine ball exercises and explosive moves, then yeah, I recommend slam balls.

For the most part, I can use them as medicine balls and can also slam them as hard as they can.

They’re durable, versatile, and give you an alternative to just lifting weights.

ProsourceFit Medicine Slam Ball Review






Weight options




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