best nordic benches reviews

Best Nordic Benches Reviewed

Nordic benches have become very popular because of the rising trend, benefits, and difficulty of Nordic hamstring curls.

If you’ve tried Nordic curls, you know how tough this exercise is…

And with so many Nordic curl bench options and alternatives, it can be difficult to choose which one is best for you.

So I’ve made it easier for you and compiled a list of the best in the market ranging from the most expensive to the cheapest bench.

What Are Nordic Benches Used For?

sorinex nordic bench
Sorinex Nordic Bench

Nordic benches are isolation machines that strengthen the hamstrings.

With my legs held in place, I slowly lower my upper body by straightening my legs while fighting gravity.

Then curl myself up to the starting position.

A Nordic curl is the bodyweight version of using a leg curl machine but feels 10 times harder.

Best Nordic Bench Over $1000

Atlantis Nordic Bench

atlantis nordic bench reviews

The Atlantis Nordic bench is commercial grade quality (nicknamed the Poor Man’s Glute Ham Developer).

Every part used on this bench is top notch.

It comes with dual leg rollers (below and above your feet) to secure your ankles tightly.

And adjustable feet help to make sure it’s level on any floor.


  • Comfortable foam pads
  • Secure grip
  • Excellent build quality


  • No regressions

Best Nordic Bench Under $1000

Shogun Sports Nord Ex

mr infinity shogun nord ex reviews

The Shogun Sports Nord Ex is a tank.

This is one of those nordic benches were they used premium materials all around.

It has 3 partial Nordic curl regressions and also works as a 45 degree lower back extension machine.

I love the premium padding on it which feels very comfortable on my knees, back of my legs, and hips.

RELATED: Shogun NordEx vs Freak Athlete Hyper Pro


  • Heavy duty construction
  • Premium foam pads
  • 3 Nordic curl regressions
  • Vertical storage
  • Doubles as a 45 degree lower back extension machine


  • Partial Nordic curl regressions (not full range of motion)

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Best Nordic Bench Under $800

Freak Athlete Hyper Pro

freak athlete hyper pro upper body kit

Formerly known as the Freak Athlete Nordic Hyper GHD, the new and improved Freak Athlete Hyper Pro is more than just a Nordic curl bench.

It’s a 9-in-1 machine that offers a ton of functionality without taking up a whole lot of my garage gym space.

When I first saw laid my hands on this transformer I was impressed by how they were able to put this together.

One of my favorite features about the Hyper Pro is that it has 9 levels of incline regressions and 5 incline progressions.

This makes it easier to practice full range of motion Nordic curls from the first time using the machine.

On top of that, it works as a decline sit up bench, 45 and 90 degrees lower back extension machine, hip thrust bench, GHD, reverse hyper, and more.


  • 9 machines in 1
  • Comfortable foam pads
  • 9 Nordic curl regressions
  • Vertical storage
  • Leg extension / leg curl machine (Sold separately)
  • GHD / Reverse hyper (Sold separately)


  • Transitioning between Nordic curl regressions requires knob loosening and tightening but gets easier the more you use it

RELATED: NordBench vs Freak Athlete Hyper Pro

Best Nordic Bench Under $600

Rogue Nordic Bench (Floor Glute)

rogue floor glute ghd ghr

When you think Rogue, you think top notch quality and the Rogue Floor Glute machine doesn’t dissappoint.

It’s overbuilt with 11 gauge steel for durability and comes with 2.5″ thick padding for comfort.


  • Comfortable foam pads
  • Excellent build quality
  • Rogue brand retains resale value


  • Can’t store vertically
  • No regressions

Best Nordic Bench Under $500

Tib Bar Guy Nordic Back Extension Machine

tib bar guy nordic back extension machine reviews

The Nordic back extension machine is one of the original Nordic benches to come out with full range of motion regressions.

This one has 9 levels of Nordic curl regressions and a 45 degree lower back extension and can be stored upright.


  • 2 machines in 1
  • Comfortable foam pads
  • 10 Nordic curl regressions
  • Vertical storage


  • Does not have a crotch gap which could be uncomfortable when doing back extensions

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Best Nordic Bench Under $400

NordBench By NordStick

nordbench reviews

The NordBench is a super compact 5-in-1 mini Nordic curl bench.

One really cool feature I like about the NordBench is that it has the world’s first folding footplate that turns into a slant board.

When folded to its smallest size, the dimensions are 33″ L x 22″ W x 9″ H so it’s one of the smallest benches around.

I can use it for Nordic curl regressions, lower back extensions, hip thrusts, split squats, and slant board exercises.

Best Nordic Bench Under $300

Tib Bar Guy Nordic Pro Bench

The Nordic Pro bench is another good one by the Tib Bar Guy.

With 8 regressions, this compact Nordic bench can be used in the smallest of spaces and can be stored vertically when not in use.


  • Comfortable foam pads
  • 8 Nordic curl regressions
  • Compact design
  • Vertical storage


  • Regressions start at 25 degrees which can be challenging for beginners

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Freak Athlete Nordic Mini Pro

Freak Athlete’s Nordic Mini Pro bench is as basic as they come in a Nordic bench.

No bells and whistles, just straight up Nordics.

It’s compact, comfortable, and the newest version stands up vertically for storage.


  • Comfortable foam pads
  • Compact design
  • Vertical storage
  • Counter balance weight horn prevents tipping over


  • No regressions, just flat Nordics

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Nordic Bench Alternatives


The NordStick is a simple Nordic curl bench alternative that can be used anywhere there’s a door.

All I have to do is slide it under a door, anchor my feet with the rollers, and use a knee pad to my knee caps.

At less than $40, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be doing Nordic curls.


  • Portable
  • Inexpensive
  • Use anywhere there’s a door
  • Uses door as footplate
  • 500 lbs weight rating


  • No regressions

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Mr Infinity Nordic Curl Strap

All I need is a weight bench with Mr Infinity’s Nordic curl strap and I’m ready to bust out Nordic curls.

It’s made of a zinc alloy material that’s tough as nails so my legs are never coming off the bench once I’m strapped in.

Comes with a pad so it’s comfortable on the back of my legs.

And I can use the strap for ATG program exercises like hip flexor raises and tib raises.


  • Inexpensive
  • Anchors legs securely
  • Made of heavy duty material with a break strength of 1200 lbs


  • No regressions
  • No footplate

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HGG Performance Nordic Bar

The HGG Performance Nordic Bar is a Nordic curl attachment that fits any weight rack up to 3.5″ wide.

It’s compact, lightweight, well built, and surprisingly doesn’t wiggle so it’s very stable.

I can use it for Nordic curls on the floor or with a weight bench.


  • Comfortable foam pads
  • Secure grip
  • Great build quality


  • No regressions

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Exponent Edge Rack Mounted GHD

The Exponent Edge rack mounted GHD is built to last forever.

Solid, thick steel, and comfortable leg rollers make this unbreakable and can be used for more than Nordic curls.


I can also use it for sit ups, planks, lower back extensions, Bulgarian split squats, and more.

Exponent Edge also sells a wall mounted GHD version for those who want a more permanent solution.


  • Comfortable foam pads
  • Space saving design
  • Solid build quality
  • Versatile
  • Works with different sized weight racks


  • No regressions

Discount Code

Use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount


Nordic Curl Bench Attachment Hack

Some adjustable weight benches come with a leg roller attachment that can be hacked into a Nordic curl attachment.

My GetRxd weight bench has one of that’s meant to be used for sit ups but here’s a gym hack that may save you some moolah…

Flip the leg attachment upside down and now you can do Nordic curls without buying anything extra (this may not work for every bench).

Top Nordic Benches Reviewed

I’ve done the hard work to make your Nordic bench buying decision easier (and included discounts).

There’s no shortage of Nordic benches or alternatives.

Some are built just for Nordics and there’s others that can be used for multiple exercises.

Even though some don’t have a way to do regressions, you can always use a resistance band to build up to a full Nordic curl.

Pick the Nordic bench that works best for you and watch your hamstrings get stronger than ever.

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