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Titan Spotter Arms Review (3 x 3)

The Titan spotter arms serve a basic purpose but they do a damn good job at it.

Since I purchased my 3 x 3 spotter arms, Titan has released a couple new versions.

Regardless of which version you want, they all function the same way.

It’s just a matter of getting the one that fits your weight rack’s uprights dimensions.

Let’s dig in!


titan spotter arms

  • Total length: 24 inches
  • Usable length: 20 inches
  • Weight capacity: 1000 lbs
  • Compatibility: 3 x 3 weight racks (Titan also sells spotter arms for 2 x 3 and 2 x 2 racks)
  • 11 gauge steel: Built like a tank


The top of the Titan spotter arms are lined with UHMW plastic.

This keeps your barbell from getting scratched.

Right on the edge of the spotter arms there’s a raised lip.

This keeps your barbell from rolling off the arms.

The spotter arms use a 5/8″ pin to go through your rack.

A built-in L bracket hugs your upright to prevent it from moving back and forth.

The bottom of the spotter arms has a welded triangle for added support.

On the bottom part you’ll see a couple of holes.

That’s where you insert a hitch pin (included with the spotter arms) to go through your rack for more stability.

This way the spotter arms can’t move from side to side.


titan fitness spotter arms

You can use spotter arms for any barbell exercise where you’re bound to fail and have the bar pin you down.

I use the spotter arms with bench presses, squats, and shoulder presses.

These also pair up real good with monolift attachments for you powerlifters.

They’re also helpful for exercises where you could miss the J-cups when re-racking the bar with heavy weight.

Exercises like barbell shrugs or rack pulls where it’s easier to have the extra space the spotter arms provide.

Titan Spotter Arms Sizes


Titan sells spotter arms for different sized racks.

So whatever size uprights you have, you can find one to help you out when you’re lifting solo.

They have them available for 3 x 3 racks, 2 x 3 racks, and 2 x 2 weight racks.

The upgrade to the 3 x 3 spotter arms I have is now called the Titan Series.

Titan X-3 Spotter Arms

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The X-3 spotter arms are meant to be used with Titan’s X-3 Series racks, but they’ll fit most 3 x 3 racks.

  • Fits 3 x3 racks
  • 11 gauge steel
  • 1500 lbs weight capacity
  • Fully lined with UHMW plastic
  • Powder coated
  • Overall length: 28 inches
  • Arm length: 24 inches
  • 2 hitch pins included

Titan Series Spotters

titan series spotter arms

Made to go with Titan Series racks but will fit most 3 x 3 racks.

  • Fits 3 x 3 racks
  • 11 gauge steel
  • 860 lbs weight capacity per arm
  • Fully lined with UHMW plastic
  • Powder coated
  • Overall length: 28 1/5 inches
  • Arm length: 24 2/5 inches
  • 2 hitch pins included

Titan T-2 Series Spotter Arms

Made for the Titan’s T-2 Series racks, these spotter arms will fit most 2 x 2 racks.

  • Fits 2 x 2 racks
  • 11 gauge steel
  • 800 lbs weight capacity per arm
  • Fully lined with UHMW plastic
  • Powder coated
  • Overall length: 16.5 inches
  • Arm length: 23 inches
  • 2 hitch pins included

Titan T-3

Made for the Titan’s T-3 Series racks, these spotter arms will fit most 2 x 3 racks.

  • Fits 2 x 3 racks
  • 11 gauge steel
  • 800 lbs weight capacity per arm
  • Fully lined with UHMW plastic
  • Powder coated
  • Overall length: 28 inches
  • Arm length: 20.75 inches
  • 2 hitch pins included

Pin Size

The pin that goes into the rack is 5/8″ in diameter.

This size works well because I can use the spotter arms in both 5/8″ and 1″ holes on my rack.

Above you can see the pin going through a 5/8″ hole.

With this set up I’m able to attach my cable pulley system to the arms for cable crossover exercises.

Here’s the 5/8″ pin going through a 1″ hole on my rack

You’d think the spotter arms would feel loose on the 1″ but they don’t.

They wrap around the uprights snug plus you have the bottom hole to insert a hitch pin.

Here’s the hitch pin going through the bottom of the spotter arm and rack for more stability.

Barbell & Rack Protection

titan spotter arms 3 x 3

The version of spotter arms I have doesn’t have any UHMW plastic to protect my weight rack.

And really there’s not a lot of scratches on my rack like you think there would be with bare steel touching it.

My version only has plastic on top where the barbell sits.

titan fitness x-3 series spotter arms

New versions are fully lined with UHMW plastic on top and where the arms meet the uprights.

This protects your barbell and rack from scratches.


titan fitness spotter arms

The welds on the spotter arms aren’t the prettiest.

titan spotter arms

You can see how it looks like they did a half ass job on some of them.

Spotter Arms Storage

prx spotter arm storage reviews

If you’ve roamed around my website, you’ve probably noticed I like to use my walls whenever possible.

This helps to keep my home gym organized and I’m able to get the most out of my space.

So instead of tossing my spotter arms on the floor, I use the PRx spotter arm storage to store them vertically on my wall.

Spotter Arms Hack

I like to use my spotter arms as a calf block too.

They’re stable enough where I can put a lot of weight on them when doing standing calf raises and they don’t budge.

Pros & Cons

titan 3 x 3 spotter arms


  • Life savers: they will save your life so use them!
  • Weight capacity: 1000 lbs limit is more than I’ll ever use
  • Easy set up: insert the pin in the rack’s hole and
  • Lined with UHMW: lined with plastic to protect your weight rack and barbells


  • Scratches uprights: This only pertains to my older version that wasn’t lined with UHMW, new ones are fully lined
  • Welds: Not the prettiest welds but their function is what matters most

Where to Buy Titan Spotter Arms

titan fitness spotter arms

Titan currently sells all their spotter arm versions on their official website.

They also have them listed on Amazon.

Either way you want to go, you’ll get FREE shipping.

Titan Spotter Arms Review

titan spotter arms

Spotter arms are one piece of equipment that are a must.

They’re priceless because they can save you from injuries.

And as solidly built as they are, they’ll never break.

Buy it once, use it forever.

Check Out Titan Spotter Arms

Titan Fitness Spotter Arms


Weight capacity




Arm length


Ease of use




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